Smalltalk flyer, now in english too

Ralph Johnson johnson at
Tue Oct 9 14:35:20 UTC 2007

Here are my comments on the most recent version.

Under "dynamic typing" in the glossary, "With dynamic typing, the
developer does not limit the variables to a given type" is true but
not what is important.  It should be something like "Dynamic typing
makes programs more reusable and easier to change".

Under "Smalltalk important concepts", "minimal syntax" should probably
be "simple syntax".  It is not really minimal.  It is small, simple,
and easy to learn.  But it could be made even smaller.

"coherent" should probably be "consistent".

"really small" should just be "small"

Under "message sending", "method call is done" should be "method is called"

Under "development environments", I think it should be "Most Smalltalk
implementations come with an integrated development environment that
allows for browsing of source code and interacting with objects.

The list of tools right now emphasises single person tools.  I think
"version control" would hint that Smalltalk is not just for single
person projects.

The list of applications is fine, but I would like to see some hint
that Smalltalk is used for commercial applications, as well.  Perhaps
a line like "Smalltalk has been used to develop best-of-breed
applications since the early 1980s.  Here are some current Smalltalk
applications that are advancing the state of software."

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