Right click on linux (or ctrl-leftclick in windows?)

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Fri Sep 14 09:31:27 UTC 2007

On Sep 13, 2007, at 23:47 , Gary Chambers wrote:

> I use both Linux and Windows with the same image. Have had to hack  
> the point at which the preference is applied to save hassle.

Set the 3-button mouse preference for the Windows VM to make it  
conform to the right mouse button order. The wrong order was made  
default in the days when Windows mice lacked one button and only had  
two. Nowadays they have three or more, so this pref should be made  
the default.

> Perhaps the Linux VM could be brought into line?

To make the Linux VM use the wrong ordering too, just add "-vm- 
display-X11 -swapbtn" to your command line. Or set SQUEAK_SWAPBTN in  
your environment.

And just for completeness, to make the Mac VM use the wrong order  
edit the VM's info.plist file.

- Bert -

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