Too many browsers!

Cédrick Béler cbeler at
Sun Sep 16 11:39:49 UTC 2007

> I miss the "debug it" menu item.
> I miss the create (all) inst var accessors function.
> I prefer the old "senders" -> menu of selectors behaviour.
> Old browser is faster in general, see next item.
> Having used the OB for a week or two I discovered that my memory had 
> grown by over 70Mb, as OB slowed to a crawl.
> It took me several hours to find "DPRecentlyModified invalidateCache." 
> to get that memory back.
OB is still "not finished" and therefore, it's often slow... but I think 
it's a promising effort... and each time, there is a feedback developers 
integrate the fixes according to remarks, so thanks for your feedback :)...
> I am really looking forward to the package oriented first pane.
This already exists but you need to load an extension in the official 
monticello repository  under 
OB-Enhancements then you'll ba able to choose 
OBMultipleSelectionBrowserAdaptor that provide the package oriented 
first pane (monticello package). The nice feature is that you can 
publish/browser/see history of packages from the browser which is to me 
very handy.You also have the possibility to open multiple panes, by 
shift clicking on nodes.
Last, you can load still from the official repo, Mondrian and 
OB-Enhancement-Diagrams. That will provide nice diagrams view of your 
classes (UML, Blueprint, System complexity....). Nevertheless, I think 
all that need to be faster and better integrate but this shows the 
interest of the OB framework...


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