My namespace proposal described in Yet Another Try

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at
Thu Sep 20 07:43:31 UTC 2007

> > Any "real" namespaces solution will eventually be rejected because 
> > it's not a small change and a vocal part of the community 
> doesn't want 
> > it, just wait, you'll see.
> And also - all people rejecting any "real" solution (although 
> I tend to argue with that choice of word) - are not entirely 
> wrong either.
> regards, Göran

By *real* I mean other overly complicated hierarchtical package managing,
code securing, auto class rename on importing, whiz-bang solutions that 99%
of us don't really need (obviously since we don't have that now).  I just
want the damned browser to hide the prefixes (aka manual namespaces) like it
formats the code, a simple aesthetic preference.  Nice, simple, keeps
Smalltalk as is, one global namespace, no imports, no ambiguity, just a
smarter view and a change small enough, with so little object to, that it
might actually happen within my lifetime.  As it stands, it's by far the
most pragmatic solution on the table.

Ramon Leon

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