Editing class method sources in single place

itsme213 itsme213 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 1 16:21:08 UTC 2008

"tim Rowledge" <tim at rowledge.org> wrote
>> Smalltalks Editors could gain much by
>> just beeing a bit more Emacsish ....
> NNnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
> <runs away, very fast>

Most "emacs|vi|...ish" requests are really about:

"I would like to
- move around my code structures
  - package, class, method, sub-expressions, hierarchy, senders..
- finding or selecting elements, grouping elements, etc.
- operating on my found, grouped, or selected elements
- with keyboard fluidity and minimal distraction
- (preferably) using familiar keyboard shortcuts".

Few want literally single text-file editing of a class (or package, or image 

My customary 2 c :) Sophie 

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