Assignment arrow (Re: Complexity and starting over on the JVM)

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at
Wed Feb 6 16:22:18 UTC 2008

> Edgar> Any against having the Yoshiki modifications in the 
> next Squeak image ?
> I do.  It's an trivial unnecessary *incompatibility* being 
> introduced in an era when cross-compatibility with Cincom and 
> Gemstone would be more useful.
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - 

Ditto!  Gemstone's support of Seaside with a free version makes Squeak a
development platform and Gemstone a serious deployment platform,
compatibility is a serious issue.  Assignment should be :=, like every other
Smalltalk.  If I can't paste code into an email or a blog post without it
displaying wrong, then it's wrong.

Ramon Leon

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