#fork and deterministic resumption of the resulting process

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Wed Feb 6 20:43:06 UTC 2008

Andreas Raab a écrit :
> Anyway, I don't care. Croquet has that fix and it's your choice to 
> ignore it and deal with the consequences. And with that I'm out of this 
> thread for real and apologize for the pointless waste of bandwidth.

Yeah, after discussing for so long licence issues, underscores, the 
future of this or whatever, we sure cannot waste any more time on 
pragmatic things.

Your change has my vote, would you be kind to open a Mantis issue?

Any interest in completing the api with opposite alternative by way of a 
helperProcess at priority+1?
Don't know how to name it, #forkFront ?


> Cheers,
>   - Andreas

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