Future of Morph

Alain Plantec alain.plantec at univ-brest.fr
Tue Feb 12 18:11:35 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 12 February 2008 13:49, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> Regarding the recent posts on Morph. I just want to write I am very
> interested by what Juan is doing with Morph 3, and also about Alain
> Plantec work to improve Morph.
> I am interested because when it wil get bigger and embraced with the
> community, I will use it for DrGeoII project and for the bigger one
> iStoa.net. Both projects depend a lot on Morph and I am not always
> confident about its maintainability.
> I hope you can unit your effort for future Morph system. You already
> have one client ;-)
Thanks Hilaire,
Miro is in very early stage and I did'nt want to say to much about it before I 
can show something to the community. 
but I can say a little bit more. The aim is to provide a set of re-targetable
widgets. By re-targetable, I mean that it would be possible to use them with 
Morphic2, Morphic3, or SqueakGtk or another connectable viewing framework.
For now, I'm using a fork of 4 morph classes (Morph, ImageMorph, TextMorph and 
TransformMorph). My widgets are build by composition of these 4 morph classes 
(no inheritance but only real composition). Each widget is connected to its 
view classe (like my 4 Morph classes are) by a mediator called a Director. A 
director have the responsibility to build the scene (compose Morphs), to 
dress the scene (style and theme handling) and to manage communications 
between the scenes and the widgets.
Communications between the scene and the director and the widgets and finally 
the client GUI is made with the help of Announcement framework.
So I think this architecture can be powerful but it has a cost and I want to 
experiment it before I claim I have something interesting.
From my point of view, Morphic3 is a very interesting project because it aims 
to provide a minimal set of very clean Morph classes. This is exactly what 
I'm looking for as a built-in viewing framework. 
A first demonstration of Miro usability will be obtained when I will be able 
to really transparently re-target the same client GUI from Morphic2 
compatible classes to Morphic3. The next big step will be to connect Miro to 
SqueakGtk. I will really be satisfied when I will be able to bring native 
widgets connection to squeak.  
As soon as I have a minimal set of clean widget connected to Morphic2 
compatible view classes, I document it and expose it to the community in 
order to receive some feedbacks.
A long way to go but funny :)
> Hilaire

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