[squeak-dev] Re: Why is Heap>>#species => Array?

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Tue Feb 26 22:15:12 UTC 2008

nicolas cellier a écrit :

> Why not
> SortedCollection>>reversed
>     ^self asSortedCollection: [:a :b | sortBlock value: b value: a]
> Of course, that could be optimized, because we now we do not have to 
> sort. Create a new instance with these:

Now I know...
I know I'd better improve my English.

At http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6956 you will find a 
SortedCollection reversed that is:
1) a SortedCollection
2) reversed

Maybe I was too conservative with sortBlock copy and fixTemps. Up to 
more experienced to make it lighter.


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