Documentation options

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at
Wed Jan 2 18:10:36 UTC 2008

> So, what I'd like to see coming out of Keith's initiative is a
> standardized/able URL for accessing documentation by class name
> (and/or category name, method name), launchable by a tool (from the
> context of every Squeak browser view) on demand. That's the easy part
> [enhancing browser instead of compiler] :)
I am hoping that Squeaksource2 is based upon pier, so that projects can
have bookmarkable urls and so can put up documentation and attachments
that are relevant to their projects and the classes therein. With any
luck this will enable a class to link directly to its documentation
which is in reasonably accessible known place.

Until that happens I am using as a place to put
"standardized/able URLs for accessing" installation scripts in a similar


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