Squeak code now browsable and bookmarkable on the Web

Janko Mivšek janko.mivsek at eranova.si
Sat Jan 5 16:37:40 UTC 2008

Hi Sophie,

itsme213 wrote:

> Some suggestions:
> - use tree-like views by default, ideally with interactive collapse/expand 
> e.g. grouping categories by common pre-fixes

Tree views are good when you have few choices but when you have so many 
categories and so many classes it think it is not so usable. Here search 
comes to help and I'll add a nice autocomplete search field for classes 
for start. And there is already an ajaxified filter for categories. Just 
type few characters and categories will be filtered accordingly. And you 
can use * at the start to filter in the middle of category names...

> - somehow css-highlight elements that have/do not have any documentation at 
> their level (package, category, class, method).

Good idea, and by the way, that's also a good idea for Squeak tools. 
Here an ugly ! indicator that a comment is missing will help more than 
anything else to comment a class or package. Proven from newest VW tools!

> Btw, do MCpackages or Squeak categories exist as objects in the images? do 
> they have docs? I think docs at this level are invaluable to newcomers to 
> that package.

Yep, I agree and will look at to see, what is in image. Or maybe to 
extract it directly from SqueakSource over web and cache locally?

> Any chance you might add an entry field so anyone can contribute to the 
> documentation of categories, classes, or methods? Not sure how it would feed 
> back into the release images, but it would be an easy and accessible input 
> channel.

Technically no problem, but this must be well thought out before. 
Security, access rights, authentication, also tracking who is author of 
what, etc. But I definitively see a potential to improve documentation 
that way.

> And lastly, if the docs contain their own explicit or implicit hyperlinks 
> (e.g. I seem to recall a doc-related project from Stephane Ducasse that 
> converted class names into links), how might those (eventually) translate 
> into links in this browser view?

If there will  be some clear rule for such links (to local classes) then 
we can simply convert it to appropriate one. That is, it will be shown 
as originally written but Url link will be adjusted to point correctly.


> - Sophie
> "Janko Mivsek" <janko.mivsek at eranova.si> wrote in message 
> news:477E95ED.9090002 at eranova.si...
>> Dear Squeakers,
>> Latest debate about documentation, accessing of source from the web and 
>> Google indexing warmed me to the point that I made a first glimpse of a 
>> web interface to code in Squeak image:
>> http://squeak.aidaweb.si:8000
>> This is a newest Damien's squeak-web image and if, for instance, you'd 
>> like to see the code of that web app, here is its bookmarkable Url:
>> http://squeak.aidaweb.si:8000/category/aidabrowser.html
>> Everything is bookmarkable: class categories, classes, methods. That way 
>> it is very easy to email someone a link to some code in your image. Yes, 
>> your own image can soon be accessible from the web that way!
>> Best regards
>> Janko

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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