lessphic? may be a future for morphic

Michael van der Gulik mikevdg at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 20:35:26 UTC 2008

On Jan 31, 2008 9:27 AM, Michael van der Gulik <mikevdg at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2008 1:41 AM, Bergel, Alexandre <bergel at iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > > Some time in the next couple of years, I'll need a secure graphics
> > > API for my SecureSqueak project. The basic idea is that I need as
> > > thin a layer of abstraction as possible over various 2-D graphics
> > > targets: X11, MS Windows, Mac, Postscript/other printer APIs,
> > > OpenGL, VNC and possibly libraries such as Cairo. It would also
> > > need to do some event handling, as many events rely on a particular
> > > coordinate system. GUIs such as Morphic or Tweak would run on top
> > > of this.
> >
> >
> > You said "secure". Can you elaborate on this?
> >
> Untrusted code will be loaded, in bytecode form with dynamically rebound
> literals, from an untrusted remote server and executed locally. It would be
> able to render graphics, but not use the graphics / event-handling API to
> otherwise affect the running of any other remotely loaded untrusted code.
> This includes the untrusted code being denied access to important objects
> and using excessive resources (cpu/memory/disk/network) such that the
> running of other code is affected.
> For example, untrusted code will only be able to draw within the bounds of
> a Canvas passed to it. Draw commands outside this area will be clipped.
> More here: http://gulik.pbwiki.com/SecureSqueak.
Sorry... I answered the question but didn't explain why.

I was hoping that Juan would have made an architectural separation at some
point between a hardware abstracting API, with his Morphic 3 running on top
of it. Ideally, these would be two separate projects; the hardware API would
use handle basic drawing and event management, and Morphic 3 would process
those events and do the fancy transformations.


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