Editing class method sources in single place - use GST syntax

Francisco Garau francisco.garau at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 21:50:47 UTC 2008

>I just got an idea, what if make option for browser to show all
> methods in one big listing, so developer can see, edit and do search
> e.t.c using single code window without switching to different methods.
> The idea, in general is to make browser look more convenient for
> newcomers because most of mainstream languages keeping per-class
> sources in single big source file.

If you want to do that, I think GNU Smalltalk syntax is more "newcomer 
friendly". Here is a simple example in case you haven't seen it.

Magnitude subclass: Date [
  | days day month year |

  Date class >> today [
    <category: 'instance creation (Blue Book)'>
    ^self fromSeconds: Time secondClock

  subtractDays: dayCount [
    <category: 'basic'>
    ^Date fromDays: self days - dayCount

Thanks Paolo! you've got rid of the exclamation marks in a beatiful way.


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