[squeak-dev] Re: Bug in Method Finder dating from 3.8

nicolas cellier ncellier at ifrance.com
Fri Jul 4 00:50:12 UTC 2008

Eliot Miranda a écrit :
> Hi Nicolas,
>     I'm asking to avoid the "source same but rev changed" issue.  I 
> don;t want to fix the method myself with my own timestamp.  Isn;t there 
> a place where an original fix can be found with a timestamp we can all use?

My own solution is:

Installer ensureFix: '6887 Faster printString for LargeInteger'.

which is currently equivalent to doing this:

"fix begin"
Installer mantis ensureFix: 6512.
Installer mantis bug: 6887 fix:'Integer-fastPrint-M6887-nice.5.cs'.
"fix test"
Installer mantis bug: 6887 fix:'Integer-fastPrint-test-M6887-nice.1.cs'.
"fix end"

Or see directly http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6887.


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