[squeak-dev] Daily Commit Log

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Dec 31 23:55:17 UTC 2009

Changes to Trunk (http://source.squeak.org/trunk.html) in the last 24 hours:


Name: Traits-ar.253
Ancestors: Traits-ar.252

Install NanoTraits.



Name: Traits-ar.254
Ancestors: Traits-ar.253

Shipping NanoTraits part 2: Commit package back after NanoTraits install.



Name: Kernel-ar.350
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.349

Shipping NanoTraits part 2: Commit Kernel package back after NanoTraits install.



Name: Kernel-ar.351
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.350

Shipping NanoTraits part 3: A hand ful of small changes that pave the way for the (major) follow-on cleanup.



Name: Traits-ar.255
Ancestors: Traits-ar.254

Shipping NanoTraits part 3: A hand ful of small changes that pave the way for the (major) follow-on cleanup.



Name: Kernel-ar.352
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.351

Shipping NanoTraits part 4: Here comes the big clean up. Let's see if it's loadable :-)



Name: Traits-ar.256
Ancestors: Traits-ar.255

Shipping NanoTraits part 4: Here comes the big clean up. Let's see if it's loadable :-)



Name: Traits-ar.261
Ancestors: Traits-ar.259

Revert the use of ClassTrait being the class of Trait. It causes problems when modifying class Trait itself since the subclass machinery isn't present and ClassBuilder is not ready for supporting alternative metaclasses in this form.



Name: Traits-ar.263
Ancestors: Traits-ar.262

Prepare to push traitComposition into TraitOrganizer so that we don't need to duplicate it in three places (Class, Metaclass, TraitDescription).



Name: Kernel-ar.353
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.352

Prepare to push the trait composition into TraitOrganizer to avoid duplication in three places (Class, Metaclass, TraitDescription).



Name: Traits-ar.264
Ancestors: Traits-ar.263

Push traitsComposition into TraitOrganizer.



Name: Traits-ar.266
Ancestors: Traits-ar.265

Also remove Trait class>>initialize.



Name: Kernel-ar.356
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.355

Temporarily disable warning about class redefinition to remove unused ivars from traits.



Name: Kernel-ar.358
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.357

Some recategorization and removal of empty categories.



Name: Traits-ar.269
Ancestors: Traits-ar.268

More recategorization.



Name: Kernel-ar.359
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.358

Final cleanup touches: Avoid unused protocol, remove reclassification.



Name: Monticello-ar.348
Ancestors: Monticello-ar.347

Final trait cleanup touches: Avoid direct MC extensions of traits (rather have traits check for MC presence). This will allow unloading of traits without modifying the MC package.



Name: Traits-ar.270
Ancestors: Traits-ar.269

Final cleanup touches: Remove some unused or duplicate left-overs.



Name: ReleaseBuilder-ar.43
Ancestors: ReleaseBuilder-nice.42

Final trait cleanup touches: Avoid Undeclared references.



Name: ScriptLoader-ar.329
Ancestors: ScriptLoader-nice.328

Final trait cleanup touches: Avoid Undeclared references.



Name: Kernel-ar.360
Ancestors: Kernel-ar.359

Fix small typo in obsoletion - removeTraitUser: should be sent to the elements of the composition.



Name: Traits-ar.271
Ancestors: Traits-ar.270

Fix a few issues where we should operate on the elements of the trait transform instead of the transform itself.



Name: KernelTests-ar.127
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.126

Correct a newly failing test which didn't account for eventual trait / classtrait instances.



Name: TraitsTests-ar.1

Put traits tests back as separate package.



Name: Kernel-ul.362
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.361

- speed up method trailer creation
- speed up source fetching from source files



Name: Collections-ar.268
Ancestors: Collections-ul.267

Enhancements to Collection>>do:displayingProgress:. The new version has two additional features: It allows the provision of a block argument for the label instead of a string, i.e.,

Smalltalk allClasses
    do:[:aClass| (Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait]
    displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Processing ', aClass name]

The second addition is an update limit that ensures that we're not spending our time in display updates. When the update limit is zero, we will update every round through the iteration, see:

(Smalltalk allClasses)
    do:[:aClass| (Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait]
    displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Processing ', aClass name]
    every: 0.

whereas with non-zero argument we only do this every n msecs:

(Smalltalk allClasses)
    do:[:aClass| (Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait]
    displayingProgress:[:aClass| 'Processing ', aClass name]
    every: 200.

The default update limit is 20ms which should be a pretty good general choice.



Name: Collections-ar.269
Ancestors: Collections-ar.268

Tidy up do:displayingProgress:every: a little. Make sure we update label before processing the element (may not be valid afterwards) and ensure that progress is always displayed for the first and the last element.



Name: Collections-dtl.268
Ancestors: Collections-ul.267

Add remaining portions of NewSystemTracer-ajh, with classes and methods recategoried to SystemTracing.


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