[squeak-dev] The Trunk: MorphicExtras-nice.98.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Dec 29 15:18:44 UTC 2010

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-nice.98
Author: nice
Time: 29 December 2010, 4:18:13.421 pm
UUID: a61e9f05-6a6f-4590-a274-18423b8336f5
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-cmm.97

Add a few spaces in order to avoid Transcript warnings about @- ambiguity when recompiling.

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-cmm.97 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FlapTab>>fitContents (in category 'misc') -----
  	self isCurrentlyTextual ifFalse: [^ super fitContents].
  	self ifVertical:
+ 		[self extent: submorphs first extent + (2 * self borderWidth) + (0 @ 4).
+ 		submorphs first position: self position + self borderWidth + (1 @ 4)]
- 		[self extent: submorphs first extent + (2 * self borderWidth) + (0 at 4).
- 		submorphs first position: self position + self borderWidth + (1 at 4)]
+ 		[self extent: submorphs first extent + (2 * self borderWidth) + (8 @ -1).
+ 		submorphs first position: self position + self borderWidth + (5 @ 1)]!
- 		[self extent: submorphs first extent + (2 * self borderWidth) + (8 at -1).
- 		submorphs first position: self position + self borderWidth + (5 at 1)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PaintBoxMorph>>fixUpColorPicker (in category 'recent colors') -----
  	| chart picker |
+ 	chart := ColorChart ifNil: [ColorChart := Cursor wait showWhile: [(ColorPickerMorph colorPaletteForDepth: 16 extent: 120 @ 89)]].
- 	chart := ColorChart ifNil:[Cursor wait showWhile:[ColorChart := (ColorPickerMorph colorPaletteForDepth: 16 extent: 120 at 89)]].
  	chart getCanvas frameRectangle: chart boundingBox color: Color black.
+ 	picker := Form extent: (chart extent + (14 @ 12)) depth: 16.
- 	picker := Form extent: (chart extent + (14 at 12)) depth: 16.
  	picker fillWhite.
+ 	picker copy: (0 @ 0 extent: picker width @ 6)
+ 			from: (colorMemory image width - picker width) @ 0 
- 	picker copy: (0 at 0 extent: picker width at 6)
- 			from: (colorMemory image width - picker width)@0 
  			in: colorMemory image rule: Form over.
+ 	picker copy: (0 @  (picker height - 6) extent: picker width @ 6) 
+ 			from: (colorMemory image width - picker width) @ (colorMemory image height - 7)
- 	picker copy: (0@ (picker height-6) extent: picker width at 6) 
- 			from: (colorMemory image width - picker width)@(colorMemory image height - 7)
  			in: colorMemory image rule: Form over.
+ 	picker copy: (0 @ 6 corner: 8 @ (picker height - 6))
+ 			from: (colorMemory image boundingBox topLeft + (0 @ 6)) 
- 	picker copy: (0 at 6 corner: 8@(picker height - 6))
- 			from: (colorMemory image boundingBox topLeft + (0 at 6)) 
  			in: colorMemory image rule: Form over.
+ 	picker copy: (picker width-6 @ 6 corner: picker width @ (picker height - 6))
+ 			from: (colorMemory image boundingBox topRight - (6 @ -6)) 
- 	picker copy: (picker width-6 at 6 corner: picker width@(picker height - 6))
- 			from: (colorMemory image boundingBox topRight - (6 at -6)) 
  			in: colorMemory image rule: Form over.
+ 	chart displayOn: picker at: 8 @ 6.
- 	chart displayOn: picker at: 8 at 6.
  	picker getCanvas frameRectangle: picker boundingBox color: Color black.
  	colorMemory image: picker.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PaintBoxMorph>>init4 (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"Just a record of how Ted loaded in the paintbox button images, Feb 98"
+ 	| bb im pp newImage pic24Bit picNewBit blt |
- | bb im pp newImage pic24Bit picNewBit blt |
+ 	"self loadoffImage: 'roundedPalette3.bmp'."
+ 	pic24Bit := GIFReadWriter formFromServerFile: 'updates/137roundedPalette3.bmp'.
+ 	picNewBit := Form extent: pic24Bit extent depth: 16.
+ 	pic24Bit displayOn: picNewBit.
+ 	OriginalBounds := picNewBit boundingBox.
+ 	AllOffImage := Form extent: OriginalBounds extent depth: 16.
+ 	blt := BitBlt current toForm: AllOffImage.
+ 	blt sourceForm: picNewBit; combinationRule: Form over;
+ 		sourceRect: OriginalBounds; destOrigin: 0 @ 0; copyBits.
- "self loadoffImage: 'roundedPalette3.bmp'."
- pic24Bit := GIFReadWriter formFromServerFile: 'updates/137roundedPalette3.bmp'.
- picNewBit := Form extent: pic24Bit extent depth: 16.
- pic24Bit displayOn: picNewBit.
- OriginalBounds := picNewBit boundingBox.
- AllOffImage := Form extent: OriginalBounds extent depth: 16.
- blt := BitBlt current toForm: AllOffImage.
- blt sourceForm: picNewBit; combinationRule: Form over;
- 		sourceRect: OriginalBounds; destOrigin: 0 at 0; copyBits.
+ 	AllOffImage mapColor: Color transparent to: Color black.
+ 	self image: AllOffImage.
+ 	self invalidRect: bounds.
- AllOffImage mapColor: Color transparent to: Color black.
- self image: AllOffImage.
- self invalidRect: bounds.
+ 	self submorphsDo: [:button | button position: button position + (10 @ 10)].
+ 	(im := submorphs at: 28) class == ImageMorph ifTrue: [
+ 		im position: im position + (2 @ 0)].	"color picker"
+ 	"exercise it once"
- self submorphsDo: [:button | button position: button position + (10 at 10)].
- (im := submorphs at: 28) class == ImageMorph ifTrue: [
- 	im position: im position + (2 at 0)].	"color picker"
- "exercise it once"
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #keep:) position: bb position + (0 @ 25).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #toss:) position: bb position + (0 @ 25).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) position: bb position + (0 @ -25).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) position: bb position + (0 @ -25).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) position: bb position + (0 @ -69).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) position: bb position + (0 @ -69).
+ 	self submorphsDo: [:button | 
+ 		button class == AlignmentMorph ifTrue: [
+ 			button position: button position + (0 @ 25)].
+ 		(button printString includesSubString: 'stamp:') ifTrue: [
+ 			button position: button position + (0 @ 25)]].
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #prevStamp:) position: bb position + (0 @ 25).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #nextStamp:) position: bb position + (0 @ 25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #keep:) position: bb position + (0 at 25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #toss:) position: bb position + (0 at 25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) position: bb position + (0 at -25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) position: bb position + (0 at -25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) position: bb position + (0 at -69).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) position: bb position + (0 at -69).
- self submorphsDo: [:button | 
- 	button class == AlignmentMorph ifTrue: [
- 		button position: button position + (0 at 25)].
- 	(button printString includesSubString: 'stamp:') ifTrue: [
- 		button position: button position + (0 at 25)]].
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #prevStamp:) position: bb position + (0 at 25).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #nextStamp:) position: bb position + (0 at 25).
+ 	bb := self submorphNamed: #keep:.
+ 	newImage := bb pressedImage copy: (0 @ 4 corner: (bb pressedImage boundingBox extent)).
+ 	bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  bb extent: newImage extent.
+ 	bb position: bb position + (4 @ 1).
- bb := self submorphNamed: #keep:.
- newImage := bb pressedImage copy: (0 at 4 corner: (bb pressedImage boundingBox extent)).
- bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  bb extent: newImage extent.
- bb position: bb position + (4 at 1).
+ 	pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #toss:) pressedImage.
+ 	newImage := pp copy: (0 @ 4 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (3 @ 0))).
+ 	bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
+ 	bb extent: newImage extent.
+ 	bb position: bb position + (3 @ 1).
- pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #toss:) pressedImage.
- newImage := pp copy: (0 at 4 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (3 at 0))).
- bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
- bb extent: newImage extent.
- bb position: bb position + (3 at 1).
+ 	pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) pressedImage.
+ 	newImage := pp copy: (0 @ 0 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (3 @ 5))).
+ 	bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
+ 	bb extent: newImage extent.
+ 	bb position: bb position + (3 @ -1).
- pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #undo:) pressedImage.
- newImage := pp copy: (0 at 0 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (3 at 5))).
- bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
- bb extent: newImage extent.
- bb position: bb position + (3 at -1).
+ 	pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) pressedImage.
+ 	newImage := pp copy: (0 @ 0 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (0 @ 5))).
+ 	bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
+ 	bb extent: newImage extent.
+ 	bb position: bb position + (3 @ -1).
- pp := (bb := self submorphNamed: #clear:) pressedImage.
- newImage := pp copy: (0 at 0 corner: (bb pressedImage extent - (0 at 5))).
- bb onImage: newImage.  bb pressedImage: newImage.  
- bb extent: newImage extent.
- bb position: bb position + (3 at -1).
+ 	pic24Bit := GIFReadWriter formFromServerFile: 'updates/137pencil.bmp'.
+ 	picNewBit := Form extent: pic24Bit extent depth: 16.
+ 	pic24Bit displayOn: picNewBit.
+ 	newImage := picNewBit as8BitColorForm.
+ 	newImage transparentColor: (Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 0).
+ 	(bb := self submorphNamed: #erase:) pressedImage: newImage; onImage: newImage;
+ 		extent: newImage extent.
- pic24Bit := GIFReadWriter formFromServerFile: 'updates/137pencil.bmp'.
- picNewBit := Form extent: pic24Bit extent depth: 16.
- pic24Bit displayOn: picNewBit.
- newImage := picNewBit as8BitColorForm.
- newImage transparentColor: (Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 0).
- (bb := self submorphNamed: #erase:) pressedImage: newImage; onImage: newImage;
- 	extent: newImage extent.
+ 	bb position: bb position + (-11 @ -1).
- bb position: bb position + (-11 at -1).

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PianoKeyboardMorph>>buildKeyboard (in category 'simple keyboard') -----
  	| wtWid bkWid keyRect octavePt nWhite nBlack |
  	self removeAllMorphs.
  	wtWid := 8. bkWid := 5.
+ 	self extent: 10 @ 10.
+ 	1 to: nOctaves + 1 do:
- 	self extent: 10 at 10.
- 	1 to: nOctaves+1 do:
  		[:i | i <= nOctaves ifTrue: [nWhite := 7.  nBlack := 5]
  						ifFalse: [nWhite := 1.  nBlack := 0 "High C"].
+ 		octavePt := self innerBounds topLeft + ((7 * wtWid * (i - 1) - 1) @ -1).
- 		octavePt := self innerBounds topLeft + ((7*wtWid*(i-1)-1)@-1).
  		1 to: nWhite do:
+ 			[:j | keyRect := octavePt + (j - 1 * wtWid @ 0) extent: (wtWid + 1) @ 36.
- 			[:j | keyRect := octavePt + (j-1*wtWid at 0) extent: (wtWid+1)@36.
  			self addMorph: ((RectangleMorph newBounds: keyRect color: whiteKeyColor)
  								borderWidth: 1;
  				on: #mouseDown send: #mouseDownPitch:event:noteMorph: to: self
+ 								withValue: i - 1 * 12 + (#(1 3 5 6 8 10 12) at: j))].
- 								withValue: i-1*12 + (#(1 3 5 6 8 10 12) at: j))].
  		1 to: nBlack do:
+ 			[:j | keyRect := octavePt + ((#(6 15 29 38 47) at: j) @ 1) extent: bkWid @ 21.
- 			[:j | keyRect := octavePt + ((#(6 15 29 38 47) at: j)@1) extent: bkWid at 21.
  			self addMorph: ((Morph newBounds: keyRect color: blackKeyColor)
  				on: #mouseDown send: #mouseDownPitch:event:noteMorph: to: self
+ 								withValue: i - 1 * 12 + (#(2 4 7 9 11) at: j))]].
- 								withValue: i-1*12 + (#(2 4 7 9 11) at: j))]].
  	self submorphsDo:
  		[:m | m on: #mouseMove send: #mouseMovePitch:event:noteMorph: to: self;
  				on: #mouseUp send: #mouseUpPitch:event:noteMorph: to: self;
  				on: #mouseEnterDragging send: #mouseDownPitch:event:noteMorph: to: self;
  				on: #mouseLeaveDragging send: #mouseUpPitch:event:noteMorph: to: self].
  	self extent: (self fullBounds extent + borderWidth - 1)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PostscriptDummyWarp>>subCanvas: (in category 'dummy') -----
  	subCanvas ifNil:
+ 		[ subCanvas := PostscriptCanvas new reset setOrigin:patchRect topLeft clipRect: (-10000 @ -10000 extent: 20000 @ 20000)].
- 		[ subCanvas := PostscriptCanvas new reset setOrigin:patchRect topLeft clipRect:(-10000 at -10000 extent:20000 at 20000)].

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