[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Tools-dtl.181.mcz

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Fri Feb 12 05:08:03 UTC 2010

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-dtl.181
Author: dtl
Time: 12 February 2010, 12:06:19.376 am
UUID: 20ca0563-8d6f-44f8-b5b4-961005d1bcf6
Ancestors: Tools-nice.180

Move PopUpMenu>>computeLabelParagraph from package Tools to ST80.
Move StandardFileMenu>>computeLabelParagraph from package Tools to ST80.
Eliminate a reference to MVC ParagraphEditor in FileList>>fileContentsMenu:shifted:
Cleaner fix for PopUpMenu class>>inform:

=============== Diff against Tools-nice.180 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PopUpMenu class>>inform: (in category 'dialogs') -----
  inform: aString
  	"PopUpMenu inform: 'I like Squeak'"
  	| iconOrNil |
+ 	iconOrNil := Smalltalk at: #MenuIcons ifPresent: [:cls | cls confirmIcon].
- 	iconOrNil := (Smalltalk at: #MenuIcons ifAbsent: []) ifNotNilDo: [:cls | cls confirmIcon].
  	(PopUpMenu labels: ' OK ' translated)
  		startUpWithCaption: aString
  		icon: iconOrNil

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList>>fileContentsMenu:shifted: (in category 'file list menu') -----
  fileContentsMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted
  	"Construct aMenu to have items appropriate for the file browser's code pane, given the shift state provided"
  	| shiftMenu services maybeLine extraLines |
  	shifted ifTrue:
+ 		[shiftMenu := SelectionMenu fromArray: StringHolder shiftedYellowButtonMenuItems.
- 		[shiftMenu := ParagraphEditor shiftedYellowButtonMenu.
  		^ aMenu addAllFrom: shiftMenu].
  	fileName ifNotNil:
  		[services := OrderedCollection new.
  		(#(briefHex briefFile needToGetBriefHex needToGetBrief) includes: brevityState) ifTrue:
  			[services add: self serviceGet].
  		(#(fullHex briefHex needToGetFullHex needToGetBriefHex) includes: brevityState) ifFalse:
  			[services add: self serviceGetHex].
  		(#(needToGetShiftJIS needToGetEUCJP needToGetCNGB needToGetEUCKR needToGetUTF8) includes: brevityState) ifFalse:
  			[services add: self serviceGetEncodedText].
  		maybeLine := services size.
  		(FileStream sourceFileSuffixes includes: self suffixOfSelectedFile) ifTrue:
  			[services addAll:
  				(self servicesFromSelectorSpecs:
  					#(fileIntoNewChangeSet: fileIn: browseChangesFile: browseFile:))].
  		extraLines := OrderedCollection new.
  		maybeLine > 0 ifTrue: [extraLines add: maybeLine].
  		services size > maybeLine ifTrue: [extraLines add: services size].
  			addServices: services
  			for: self fullName
  			extraLines: extraLines].
  	aMenu addList: {
  			{'find...(f)' translated.		#find}.
  			{'find again (g)' translated.		#findAgain}.
  			{'set search string (h)' translated.	#setSearchString}.
  			{'do again (j)' translated.		#again}.
  			{'undo (z)' translated.			#undo}.
  			{'copy (c)' translated.			#copySelection}.
  			{'cut (x)' translated.			#cut}.
  			{'paste (v)' translated.		#paste}.
  			{'paste...' translated.			#pasteRecent}.
  			{'do it (d)' translated.		#doIt}.
  			{'print it (p)' translated.		#printIt}.
  			{'inspect it (i)' translated.		#inspectIt}.
  			{'fileIn selection (G)' translated.	#fileItIn}.
  			{'accept (s)' translated.		#accept}.
  			{'cancel (l)' translated.		#cancel}.
  			{'more...' translated.			#shiftedYellowButtonActivity}}.
  	^ aMenu

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StandardFileMenu>>computeLabelParagraph (in category 'private') -----
- computeLabelParagraph
- 	"Answer a Paragraph containing this menu's labels, one per line and centered."
- 	^ Paragraph withText: labelString asText style: (MenuStyle leftFlush)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: PopUpMenu>>computeLabelParagraph (in category 'private') -----
- computeLabelParagraph
- 	"Answer a Paragraph containing this menu's labels, one per line and centered."
- 	^ Paragraph withText: labelString asText style: MenuStyle!

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