[squeak-dev] Re: Refactoring Browser and Rewrite Engine for Squeak

Hannes Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Fri May 14 16:57:01 UTC 2010

Hello Colin

Would it be possible to have an updated Metacello configuration
instead of an SAR file? The configuration has a higher documentary
value I think and people can include it as part of other
configurations to create more elaborate build scripts.

However if you do not want to go for this at this current time a SAR
is fine as well.

Kind regards

Metacello configuration for OmniBrowser

In the Metacello configuration repository
I looked at the class which contains the configuration for OmniBrowser

The Pharo version is taken from 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/omnibrowser'.

whereas the Squeak version is taken from

I assume that this implie that the Pharo people maintain a fork.
In the case

APPENDIX A: Definition of version 1.1

baseline11: spec
	<version: '1.1-baseline'>
	spec for: #common do: [
		spec blessing: #baseline.
	spec for: #pharo do: [
		spec repository: 'http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/omnibrowser'.
			project: 'Refactoring-Core' with: [
					className: 'ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser';
					loads: #('Refactoring-Core' );
					file: 'ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser';
					repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository' ];
			project: 'Refactoring Tests'
				copyFrom: 'Refactoring-Core'
				with: [ spec loads: #('Tests' ).];
			project: 'OCompletion' with: [
					className: 'ConfigurationOfOCompletion';
					loads: #('Core' );
					file: 'ConfigurationOfOCompletion';
					repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository' ];
			project: 'OCompletion Tests'
				copyFrom: 'OCompletion'
				with: [ spec loads: #('Tests' ).].
			package: 'OmniBrowser';
			package: 'OB-Morphic' with: [ spec requires: 'OmniBrowser' ];
			package: 'OB-Standard' with: [
					requires: #('OmniBrowser' 'OB-Morphic' );
					postLoadDoIt: #postLoadOBStandard ];
			package: 'OB-SUnitIntegration' with: [ spec requires: 'OmniBrowser' ];
			package: 'OB-Shout' with: [ spec requires: 'OB-Morphic' ];
			package: 'OB-Refactory' with: [ spec requires: #('Refactoring-Core'
			package: 'OB-Regex' with: [ spec requires: #('Refactoring-Core'
			package: 'OB-Tests-Core' with: [ spec requires: #('OmniBrowser' )];
			package: 'OB-Tests-Morphic' with: [ spec requires: #('OB-Morphic'
'OB-Tests-Core' )];
			package: 'BogusInfo';
			package: 'OB-Fake' with: [ spec requires: 'OB-Tests-Core'];
			package: 'OB-Tests-Standard' with: [ spec requires: #('OB-Standard'
'BogusInfo' 'OB-Fake' )];
			package: 'OCForOB' with: [
				spec repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/OCompletion';
				requires: #('OCompletion' 'OmniBrowser' 'OB-Standard')].	
			group: 'default' with: #('Core' );
			group: 'Core' with: #( 'OmniBrowser' 'OB-Morphic' 'OB-Standard' );
			group: 'Core Tests' with: #( 'OB-Tests-Core' 'OB-Tests-Morphic'
'OB-Tests-Standard' );
			group: 'Dev' with: #( 'Core' 'OB-SUnitIntegration' 'OB-Shout'
'OB-Refactory' 'OB-Regex' 'OCForOB');
			group: 'Dev Tests' with: #( 'Core Tests' 'Refactoring Tests'
'OCompletion Tests' );
	spec for: #squeak do: [
		spec repository: 'http://source.wiresong.ca/ob'.

			package: 'OmniBrowser';
			package: 'OB-Morphic' with: [ spec requires: 'OmniBrowser' ];
			package: 'OB-Standard' with: [
					requires: #('OmniBrowser' 'OB-Morphic' );
					postLoadDoIt: #postLoadOBStandard ];
			package: 'OB-SUnitIntegration' with: [ spec requires: 'OmniBrowser' ];
			package: 'OB-Shout' with: [ spec requires: 'OB-Morphic' ];

			group: 'default' with: #('Core' );
			group: 'Core' with: #( 'OmniBrowser' 'OB-Morphic' 'OB-Standard' );
			group: 'Core Tests' with: #('Core');
			group: 'Dev' with: #( 'Core' 'OB-SUnitIntegration' 'OB-Shout' );	
			group: 'Dev Tests' with: #('Dev');


APPENDIX B: current release

version113: spec
	<version: '1.1.3' imports: #('1.1-baseline')>

	spec for: #common do: [
		spec blessing: #release.
		spec author: 'MarianoMartinezPeck'.
		spec description: '- Fixes to Pharo issues 2274:
	spec for: #pharo do: [
			project: 'Refactoring-Core' with: '1.2'.
			package: 'OmniBrowser' with: 'OmniBrowser-lr.469';
			package: 'OB-Morphic' with: 'OB-Morphic-lr.116';
			package: 'OB-Standard' with: 'OB-Standard-lr.463';
			package: 'OB-Refactory' with: 'OB-Refactory-lr.203';
			package: 'OB-Regex' with: 'OB-Regex-lr.22';
			package: 'OB-Shout' with: 'OB-Shout-lr.5';
			package: 'OB-SUnitIntegration' with: 'OB-SUnitIntegration-lr.24';
			package: 'OB-Tests-Core' with: 'OB-Tests-Core-lr.81';
			package: 'OB-Tests-Morphic' with: 'OB-Tests-Morphic-lr.26';
			package: 'BogusInfo' with: 'BogusInfo-lr.18';
			package: 'OB-Tests-Standard' with: 'OB-Tests-Standard-lr.110';
			package: 'OCForOB' with: 'OCForOB-rr.2';
			package: 'OB-Fake' with: 'OB-Fake-lr.14'.
	spec for: #squeak do: [
		spec author: 'DaleHenrichs'.
		spec description: 'Squeak support based on Squeak3.10.2-Trunk-090912
and OmniBrowser-2.0.3.sar'.
			package: 'OmniBrowser' with: 'OmniBrowser-cwp.453';
			package: 'OB-Morphic' with: 'OB-Morphic-cwp.100';
			package: 'OB-Standard' with: 'OB-Standard-cwp.429';
			package: 'OB-Shout' with: 'OB-Shout-cwp.2';
			package: 'OB-SUnitIntegration' with: 'OB-SUnitIntegration-lr.14'

On 5/14/10, Colin Putney <cputney at wiresong.ca> wrote:
> On 2010-05-14, at 1:49 AM, Hannes Hirzel wrote:
>> On 5/14/10, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Where can I get the most
>>>> recent Squeak compatible release of OB now?
>>> Try
>>> Installer installUrl:
>>> 'http://www.wiresong.ca/downloads/OmniBrowser-2.0.3.sar'.
>>> it works fine for me in Squeak 4.1
>> Does this imply that the refactoring code works as well in 4.1?.
> No. That SAR has an old version of the refactoring engine, which doesn't
> work under 4.1.
> I recently committed a fix, so the installer script that Casey posted
> earlier in this thread does work.
> I'll be releasing a new SAR installer soon.
> Colin

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