[squeak-dev] Xtreams up to date

mkobetic at gmail.com mkobetic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 16:40:04 UTC 2011

"Hannes Hirzel"<hannes.hirzel at gmail.com> wrote:
> I worked through it and understood it. I adapted the class names so
> that it runs in the current Squeak 4.2 out of the box. In addition I
> edited it slightly. I think it could be added as to the PEGParser
> class. Maybe somebody else like to check it in addition ....

Yes, wrote it with the intent to eventually turn it into documentation for the Parsing package. On VW side we keep these in package comments, that's the most obvious location for it IMO. I'm not convinced that using a class comment on Squeak/Pharo side is a good choice. I would have difficulty myself to pick the class for it, so the chances that a new user will find it are even lower. I'm intrigued by the help facilities that were mentioned on Pharo side quite a bit recently. Is that something people hope to turn into the primary resource for these things ? Sounds like it would be quite easy to package it as that. The package comment are already written using the google wiki syntax, so that they can be directly posted to the google project site. So the help facilities allowing wiki syntax sound particularly attractive. Is this something that could work on Squeak side too, or do we need to do something different there ? In the meantime I intend to at least keep the google project pages up to date.

> Additional example: Wiki text parsing
> In the previous mail you mentioned that you'll add the fileout of the class
>    PEGWikiGenerator

Ah, I got caught up in the arithmetic example and forgot the attachments. They are attached now. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the edited version of the example. I'll work on it some more and turn it into a doc page on the site. If we figure out how to package it in Squeak and Pharo so that people can find it easily, I'd be happy to add all the documentation we have on the site.


-------------- next part --------------
PEGActor subclass: #PEGWikiGenerator
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'Anchor Break Division Heading1 Heading2 Heading3 Heading4 Href ListItem OrderedList Paragraph Preformatted Span Style Table TableBody TableData TableHead TableHeading TableRow UnorderedList '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: ''!

PEGWikiGenerator class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

!PEGWikiGenerator class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: ' 22/1/11 17:38'!

	^'<style type="text/css">
		table {border-collapse: separate;}
		th {border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px; text-align: center;}
		td {border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px; text-align: left;}

generateHtmlDocsInto: directory
	"Convert package comments into a set of web pages and put the files into @directory.
		self generateHtmlDocsInto: Kernel.ObjectMemory imageDirectory
	((Registry bundleNamed: 'XtreamsDevelopment') leafItems
		reject: [:p | '*-Tests' match: p name])
			[:p | 
			| body file |
			body := self process: p comment reading.
			file := directory / (p name , '.html').
			file exists ifTrue: [file delete].
			(file writing encoding: #ascii)
				write: '<html>';
				write: '<head>';
				write: '<title>';
				write: p name;
				write: '</title>';
				write: self docsCSS;
				write: '</head>';
				write: '<body>';
				write: body printString;
				write: '</body>';
				write: '</html>';

generateWikiDocsInto: directory
	"Save package comments into a set of wiki pages for the project site wiki. Put the files into @directory.
		self generateWikiDocsInto: Kernel.ObjectMemory imageDirectory
		self generateWikiDocsInto: (OS.Filename fromComponents: ('$(HOME)/st/xtreams/wiki' tokensBasedOn: $/)) asFilename
	((Registry bundleNamed: 'XtreamsDevelopment') leafItems
			[:p | 
			#('*-Tests' '*-Xperiments' '*-Support')
				anySatisfy: [:pattern | pattern match: p name]])
			[:p | 
			| file |
			file := p name
				copyFrom: 'Xtreams-' size + 1
				to: p name size.
			file := directory / (file , '.wiki').
			file exists ifTrue: [file delete].
			(file writing encoding: #ascii)
				write: p comment;

process: input
	"Convert input into an xhtml XML document.
	"	input	<ReadStream>	text with wiki markup
		^		<XML.Element>
		self process: 'Single paragraph with *bold* and _italic_ text and a [link]' reading
		| package div file |
		package := Store.Registry packageNamed: 'Xtreams-Core'.
		div := self process: package comment reading.
		file := '/dev/shm/', package name, '.html'.
		file asFilename writing write: '<html><body>'; write: div printString; write: '</body></html>'; close.
		ExternalWebBrowser open: 'file://', file
	^self parser
		parse: 'Page'
		stream: input
		actor: self new! !

!PEGWikiGenerator class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ' 22/1/11 17:38'!

	^Parser parserPEG
		parse: 'Grammar'
		stream: Parser grammarWiki reading
		actor: ParserParser new! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

PEGWikiGenerator comment:
'This actor is used to convert text with wiki mark-up into an XML document with xhtml tags.

Shared Variables
	Anchor	<NodeTag>
	Break	<NodeTag>
	Division	<NodeTag>
	Heading1	<NodeTag>
	Heading2	<NodeTag>
	Heading3	<NodeTag>
	Heading4	<NodeTag>
	Href	<NodeTag>
	ListItem	<NodeTag>
	OrderedList	<NodeTag>
	Paragraph	<NodeTag>
	Preformatted	<NodeTag>
	Span	<NodeTag>
	Style	<NodeTag>
	Table	<NodeTag>
	TableBody	<NodeTag>
	TableData	<NodeTag>
	TableHead	<NodeTag>
	TableHeading	<NodeTag>
	TableRow	<NodeTag>
	UnorderedList	<NodeTag>


!PEGWikiGenerator methodsFor: 'Lexical' stamp: ' 22/1/11 17:38'!

Bold: flow
	<action: 'Bold' arguments: #(2)>
		tag: Span
			(Array with: (Attribute name: Style value: 'font-weight: bold'))
		elements: flow!

Character: character
	<action: 'Character'>
	^Text text: (String with: character)!

Escape: escape
	<action: 'Escape'>
	^escape first!

Italic: flow
	<action: 'Italic' arguments: #(2)>
		tag: Span
			(Array with: (Attribute name: Style value: 'font-style: italic'))
		elements: flow!

LineCharacter: character
	<action: 'LineCharacter'>
	^Text text: (String with: character)!

Link: address
	<action: 'LinkShort' arguments: #(2)>
		tag: Anchor
						name: Href
						value: address , '.html'))
		elements: (Array with: (Text text: address))!

Link: flow address: address
	<action: 'LinkFull' arguments: #(2 3)>
		tag: Anchor
		attributes: (Array with: (Attribute name: Href value: address))
		elements: flow!

Underline: flow
	<action: 'Underline' arguments: #(2)>
		tag: Span
			(Array with: (Attribute name: Style value: 'text-decoration: underline'))
		elements: flow! !

!PEGWikiGenerator methodsFor: 'Structural' stamp: ' 22/1/11 17:38'!

	<action: 'Empty' arguments: #()>
	^Text text: ''	"^Element tag: break"!

Heading1: flow
	<action: 'Heading1' arguments: #(3)>
	^Element tag: Heading1 elements: flow!

Heading2: flow
	<action: 'Heading2' arguments: #(3)>
	^Element tag: Heading2 elements: flow!

Heading3: flow
	<action: 'Heading3' arguments: #(3)>
	^Element tag: Heading3 elements: flow!

Heading4: flow
	<action: 'Heading4' arguments: #(3)>
	^Element tag: Heading4 elements: flow!

ListItem: bullets flow: flow
	<action: 'Bullet1' arguments: #(2 3)>
	<action: 'Bullet2' arguments: #(2 3)>
	<action: 'Bullet3' arguments: #(2 3)>
	<action: 'Hash1' arguments: #(2 3)>
	<action: 'Hash2' arguments: #(2 3)>
	<action: 'Hash3' arguments: #(2 3)>
	^Element tag: ListItem elements: flow!

OrderedList: bullets
	<action: 'OrderedList'>
	^Element tag: OrderedList elements: bullets!

OrderedListN: bullets
	<action: 'OrderedList2'>
	<action: 'OrderedList3'>
		tag: ListItem
		elements: (Array with: (Element tag: OrderedList elements: bullets))!

Page: lines
	<action: 'Page'>
	^Element tag: Division elements: lines!

Paragraph: flow
	<action: 'Paragraph'>
	^Element tag: Paragraph elements: flow!

Preformatted: text
	<action: 'Preformatted' arguments: #(2)>
	<action: 'Code' arguments: #(2)>
		tag: Preformatted
		elements: (Array with: (Text text: text))!

Table: header rows: rows
	<action: 'Table' arguments: #(1 2)>
		tag: Table
						tag: TableHead
						elements: (Array with: header))
				with: (Element tag: TableBody elements: rows))!

TableCell: flow
	<action: 'Cell'>
	^Element tag: TableData elements: flow!

TableHeadingCell: flow
	<action: 'HeadingCell'>
	^Element tag: TableHeading elements: flow!

TableRow: cells
	<action: 'TableRow' arguments: #(3)>
	<action: 'HeadingRow' arguments: #(3)>
	^Element tag: TableRow elements: cells!

UnorderedList: bullets
	<action: 'UnorderedList'>
	^Element tag: UnorderedList elements: bullets!

UnorderedListN: bullets
	<action: 'UnorderedList2'>
	<action: 'UnorderedList3'>
		tag: ListItem
		elements: (Array with: (Element tag: UnorderedList elements: bullets))! !
-------------- next part --------------
PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Anchor
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''a'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Break
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''br'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Division
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''div'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Heading1
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''h1'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Heading2
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''h2'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Heading3
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''h3'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Heading4
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''h4'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Href
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''href'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #ListItem
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''li'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #OrderedList
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''ol'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Paragraph
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''p'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Preformatted
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''pre'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Span
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''span'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Style
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''style'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #Table
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''table'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #TableBody
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''tableBody'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #TableData
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''td'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #TableHead
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''tableHead'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #TableHeading
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''th'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #TableRow
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''tr'''!

PEG.WikiGenerator defineSharedVariable: #UnorderedList
	private: false
	constant: false
	category: 'xhtml tags'
	initializer: 'XML.NodeTag new qualifier: '''' ns: ''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'' type: ''ul'''!

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