[squeak-dev] [Bug][Fix] In ReferenceStream, code review request

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 19:38:59 UTC 2011

Hi. I am not sure if I understand which is the bug and it is difficult to
do a clear diff. You mean that weak references should NOT be serialized ?
While thinking about this in Fuel I asked in the mailing
the conclusion was that we shouldn't do anything special in Fuel for
weak references. In this case, if I understand, you are saying the
opposite: do something different for weak references, basically to consider
them "transient". Can you please explain me why it is needed a specific
behavior for weak references?

Thanks in advance!

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I found a bug in Cuis that made weak references to be improperly dumped in
> SmartRefStreams due to a bug in ReferenceStream. When I tried to reproduce
> the bug and fix in Squeak, I found out that in Squeak weak references are
> always dumped (and not just the more subtle bug in Cuis). The attach
> includes a test and fix. I'm confident about the fix in the context of
> Cuis, but I only played a few minutes with this in Squeak.
> Can anybody check this for Squeak and consider it for inclusion?
> Thanks,
> Juan Vuletich
> 'From Squeak4.2 of 20 November 2011 [latest update: #11796] on 27 November
> 2011 at 2:56:53 pm'!
> TestCase subclass: #ReferenceStreamTest
>        instanceVariableNames: ''
>        classVariableNames: ''
>        poolDictionaries: ''
>        category: 'System-Object Storage-Tests'!
> !Object methodsFor: 'objects from disk' stamp: 'jmv 11/27/2011 14:56'!
> storeDataOn: aDataStream
>        "Store myself on a DataStream.  Answer self.  This is a low-level
> DataStream/ReferenceStream method. See also objectToStoreOnDataStream.
>  NOTE: This method must send 'aDataStream beginInstance:size:' and then
> (nextPut:/nextPutWeak:) its subobjects.  readDataFrom:size: reads back what
> we write here."
>        | cntInstVars cntIndexedVars |
>        cntInstVars := self class instSize.
>        cntIndexedVars := self basicSize.
>        aDataStream
>                beginInstance: self class
>                size: cntInstVars + cntIndexedVars.
>        1 to: cntInstVars do:
>                [:i | aDataStream nextPut: (self instVarAt: i)].
>        "Write fields of a variable length object.  When writing to a dummy
>                stream, don't bother to write the bytes"
>        ((aDataStream byteStream class == DummyStream) and: [self class
> isBits]) ifFalse: [
>                self class isWeak
>                        ifTrue: [
>                                "For weak classes (for example
> DependentsArray) write the referenced object only
>                                if referenced from elsewhere in the dumped
> object graph.
>                                This means, for instance that if we only
> dump a model, no dependents are stored,
>                                but if we store a view (i.e. a Morph), it
> is properly handled as a dependent after the object graph is revived."
>                                1 to: cntIndexedVars do: [ :i |
>                                        aDataStream nextPutWeak: (self
> basicAt: i)]]
>                        ifFalse: [
>                                1 to: cntIndexedVars do: [ :i |
>                                        aDataStream nextPut: (self basicAt:
> i)]]]! !
> !DiskProxy methodsFor: 'i/o' stamp: 'jmv 11/25/2011 13:20'!
> storeDataOn: aReferenceStream
>        "Besides just storing, get me inserted into references, so
> structures will know about class DiskProxy."
>        super storeDataOn: aReferenceStream.
>        "just so instVarInfo: will find it and put it into structures"
> "       aReferenceStream references at: self put: #none."
>        aReferenceStream addSpecialReference: self! !
> !ReferenceStream methodsFor: 'statistics' stamp: 'jmv 11/25/2011 13:21'!
> statisticsOfRefs
>        "Analyze the information in references, the objects being written
> out"
>        | parents ownerBags tallies n nm owners normalReferences |
>        normalReferences := self references.    "Exclude unrealized weaks"
>        parents := IdentityDictionary new: normalReferences size * 2.
>        n := 0.
>        'Finding Owners...'
>        displayProgressFrom: 0 to: normalReferences size
>        during: [:bar |
>        normalReferences keysDo:
>                [:parent | | kids |
>                bar value: (n := n+1).
>                kids := parent class isFixed
>                        ifTrue: [(1 to: parent class instSize) collect: [:i
> | parent instVarAt: i]]
>                        ifFalse: [parent class isBits ifTrue: [Array new]
>                                         ifFalse: [(1 to: parent basicSize)
> collect: [:i | parent basicAt: i]]].
>                (kids select: [:x | normalReferences includesKey: x])
>                        do: [:child | parents at: child put: parent]]].
>        ownerBags := Dictionary new.
>        tallies := Bag new.
>        n := 0.
>        'Tallying Owners...'
>        displayProgressFrom: 0 to: normalReferences size
>        during: [:bar |
>        normalReferences keysDo:  "For each class of obj, tally a bag of
> owner classes"
>                [:obj | | objParent | bar value: (n := n+1).
>                nm := obj class name.
>                tallies add: nm.
>                owners := ownerBags at: nm ifAbsent: [ownerBags at: nm put:
> Bag new].
>                (objParent := parents at: obj ifAbsent: [nil]) == nil
>                        ifFalse: [owners add: objParent class name]]].
>        ^ String streamContents:
>                [:strm |  tallies sortedCounts do:
>                        [:assn | n := assn key.  nm := assn value.
>                        owners := ownerBags at: nm.
>                        strm cr; nextPutAll: nm; space; print: n.
>                        owners size > 0 ifTrue:
>                                [strm cr; tab; print: owners
> sortedCounts]]]! !
> !ReferenceStream methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'jmv 11/25/2011 13:20'!
> addSpecialReference: aDiskProxy
>        "See senders. Added to avoid breaking encapsulation (assuming that
> #references would answer the actual collection)"
>        references at: aDiskProxy put: #none! !
> !ReferenceStream methodsFor: 'writing' stamp: 'jmv 11/27/2011 14:56'!
> references
>        "Do not include provisory references created in #nextPutWeak that
> never became normal references,
>        because the referenced object was never added from a call to
> #nextPut:"
>        ^ references select: [ :value | value isNumber ]! !
> !ReferenceStreamTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jmv 11/27/2011 14:56'!
> testWeakDumps
>        "Test that if we serialize a model with weak references to views,
> only the model is serialized and not the views.
>        Note: The bug became apparent only when dumping a model to a
> SmartRefStream, that calls #references, and the serialized stream
>        was later materialized in an image where the view classes had been
> deleted. In such rare cases, materialization would fail when trying to
> reference these
>        absent classes. If serializing to a ReferenceStream, the bug didn't
> become apparent (views were never serialized). If serializing to a
> SmartRefStream, but
>        view classes still existed, the bug didn't really become apparent
> (because views were not actually deserialized), the only effect was a
> larger file.
>        ReferenceStreamTest new testWeakDumps
>        "
>        | oldInstance refStream |
>        oldInstance :=StringHolder new contents: 'This is a text'.
>        oldInstance addDependent: Morph new.
>        refStream := ReferenceStream on: (DummyStream on: nil).
>        refStream nextPut: oldInstance.
>        self deny: (refStream references keys anySatisfy: [ :dumpedObject |
> dumpedObject isKindOf: Morph ])! !

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