[squeak-dev] SqueakCore

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 13:35:11 UTC 2012

On 12/30/12, Pavel Krivanek <squeak1 at continentalbrno.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is the first unkempt attempt to produce SqueakCore image from
> Squeak4.4-12324. It generates 3 MB dirty image (3.2 with Unicode
> tables). Some overrides have only logging purpose.
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel

Hello Pavel and others

Thank you for your first attempt.

I assume I have to file in first

as it contains various dummy classes and fixes to existing classes.
(DummyProject, DummyUIManager, ,.... ClassOrganizer, PointerFinder,
ScriptLauncher, ...)

However the attached error comes up and a debugger in method
   primWrite: id from: stringOrByteArray startingAt: startIndex count: count

of MultiByteFileStream

This is on a Windows 7 machine with a recent VM.

Could anybody else check the file-in of Pavel's patch001.st as well?

The the info.st file is copied in below [1].

It refers to the class FileSystem, a class which is not (yet) in
Squeak. The Squeak equivalent would be FSFileSystem.

A minimal installation for the Filesystem in Squeak  is

    (Installer wiresong project: 'mc')
  addPackage: 'FS-Core';
  addPackage: 'FS-Disk';
  addPackage: 'FS-Tests-Core';
  addPackage: 'FS-Tests-Disk';

So we need to adapt info.st and patch001.st

and besides FSFilesystem maybe other artefacts have to be loaded into




In Squeak we have for example

root := FSFilesystem onDisk root.

whereas in Pharo it is

root := FileSystem disk root.

besides this I have not found any other differences yet.

[1] Pavel's info.st file


| info lines dict unimplemented sends unsent o printWithReferences
printedObjects |

info := "(((Smalltalk vm getSystemAttribute: 3) ifNil: [FileSystem
disk workingDirectory] ifNotNilDo: [:path | FileSystem disk
workingDirectory resolve: path])"
FileStream forceNewFileNamed: 'info.txt'.

Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys.

info nextPutAll: 'Project: ', Project current ; cr; cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Processes: ' ; cr; cr.
Process allInstances do: [:p |
  info nextPutAll: '  - ', p asString; cr].

info nextPutAll: Project uiProcess asString; cr.

TextConstants associationsDo: [:a |
info nextPutAll: a key, ' -> ', ([a value asString] ifError: ['ERROR']); cr.].

info cr.

info nextPutAll: 'globals:', ((Smalltalk globals associations select:
[:a | a value isBehavior not]) collect: [:a | a key ] )asString; cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Obsolete:'; cr.
info nextPutAll: SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses asString; cr; cr.

printedObjects := IdentitySet new.

printWithReferences := [:object :depth |
  depth <= 3 ifTrue: [
    depth timesRepeat: [info tab].
    (printedObjects includes: object)
      ifTrue: ["info nextPutAll: '*****'; cr"]
      ifFalse: [
        printedObjects add: object.
    [info nextPutAll: object asString; cr.] ifError: [info nextPutAll:
'--- PRINT ERRROR ---'; cr].
    (PointerFinder pointersTo: object) do: [:ref |
      printWithReferences value: ref value: depth+1].]

o := SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses select: [:oc | oc
allInstances size > 0].
info nextPutAll: o asString; cr.
o := nil.

Smalltalk garbageCollect.

info cr.

"printWithReferences value: (SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses
at: 1) value: 1."

info cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Behaviors count:'; cr.
info nextPutAll: Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits size asString; cr; cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Undeclared:'; cr.
info nextPutAll: Undeclared asString; cr; cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Undeclared sorted by name:'; cr.

dict := IdentityDictionary new.
Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits do: [:c |
        c localSelectors do: [:sel |
                dict at: (c compiledMethodAt: sel) put: (c -> sel)].
        c isTrait ifFalse: [
                c class localSelectors do: [:sel |
                        dict at: (c class compiledMethodAt: sel) put:
(c class -> sel)]]].

lines := SortedCollection new.

Undeclared associations do: [:assoc |
  info nextPutAll: assoc key; cr.
  ((PointerFinder pointersTo: assoc) select: [:ref | ref class =
CompiledMethod]) do: [:cm |
     info nextPutAll: ' - ', (dict at: cm ifAbsent: ['method not
found']) asString; cr.
     lines add: (dict at: cm) key asString, ' >> ', (dict at: cm)
value asString, ' (', assoc key asString, ')'. ]
  ] ifError: [:e | info nextPutAll: '--error-- ', e asString; cr.]].

info cr; nextPutAll: 'Undeclared sorted by class:'; cr.
lines do: [:l | info nextPutAll: l asString; cr.].

info cr.

info nextPutAll: 'Unimplemented calls size:'; space.
info nextPutAll: SystemNavigation default allUnimplementedCalls size asString.
info cr; cr.
info nextPutAll: 'Unimplemented calls:'; cr; cr.
unimplemented := SystemNavigation default allUnimplementedCalls
sends := OrderedCollection new.
unimplemented do: [:call |
  | pos |
  pos := (call findString:  ' calls: ').
  ((call allButFirst: (pos + 7)) findTokens: ' ') do: [:send |
    sends add: (send asString, ' calledBy: ', (call first: pos))].
  info nextPutAll: call asString; cr.].
info cr.
sends asSortedCollection do: [:call |
  info nextPutAll: call asString; cr.].

unsent := SystemNavigation default allUnsentMessages.

info cr; nextPutAll: 'Unsent messages size: '; nextPutAll: unsent size
asString; cr; cr.
info cr; nextPutAll: 'Unsent messages:'; cr.
unsent asSortedCollection do: [:message | info nextPutAll: message; cr. ].

info cr; nextPutAll: 'allClassesAndTraits:'.
Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits do: [:c | info nextPutAll: c name
asString; space]. info cr.

info cr; nextPutAll: 'finished...'.

info close.

SmalltalkImage current snapshot: false andQuit: true.

] ifError: [:e |
        | rep |
        rep := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: 'PharoDebug.log'.
        rep nextPutAll: 'info.st'; cr.
        rep nextPutAll: 'Error:'; cr.
        rep nextPutAll: e asString; cr.
        rep nextPutAll: thisContext stack size asString.
        thisContext stack copy withIndexDo: [:stck :i |
                [rep nextPutAll: i asString; space; nextPutAll: stck
asString; cr]
ifError: []].
        rep close.
        Smalltalk exitFailure]
-------------- next part --------------
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