[squeak-dev] Re:NativeBoost and NBOpenGL on Mac?

Lawson English lenglish5 at cox.net
Wed Jan 11 17:34:36 UTC 2012

[cross-posting this reply because it certainly seems relevant to both 
Pharo and Squeak]

This seems to me to be roundabout, and will make sure that any Mac 
version of OpenGL will be far slower than any Windows version.

What I'm not understanding is how the current OpenGL libs can render 
directly on the screen on a Mac, while the Igor's can't. The  Croquet 
OpenGL package appears to be grabbing something from the Baloon3D 
plugin, I think. Has anyone looked at how THAT tells OpenGL libs to 
render to the appropriate area on the system window?

primCreateRenderer: flags x: x y: y w: w h: h
<primitive: 'primitiveCreateRendererFlags' module:'B3DAcceleratorPlugin'>


On 1/11/12 1:22 AM, Fernando Olivero wrote:
> I've developed a CocoaUI app, which implements the example you copied.
> A cocoa window, with a custom NSView, which renders an OpenGL surface.
> The app also catches events, and notifies it via sockets.
> My idea is to render within Pharo to a frame buffer object(offscreen
> rendering), and communicate the redisplay to the cocoa app via sockets
> (IPC).
> So we can code all the UI in Smalltalk, using offscreen rendering as a
> means to draw to  a native OS X window.
> I will continue experimenting with this approach, to assess its
> performance and usability. Wether IPC via sockets is fast enough,
> amongst other technical challenges.
> Yes, i noticed two that the OpenGL info in the Mac, returns 'APPLE
> SOFTWARE RENDERER 2.1". Surely we can find a way to solve this
> problem, i will look into Lawson's link.
> Fernando
> pd: Enjoy the vacations Igor, have a pint or two.
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Igor Stasenko<siguctua at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> On 10 January 2012 21:28, Stéphane Ducasse<stephane.ducasse at inria.fr>  wrote:
>>> thanks
>>> May be this page is interesting: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/OpenGL-MacProgGuide/opengl_drawing/opengl_drawing.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001987-CH404-SW8
>>> Igor how is london :) ?
>>> Crowded?
>> like hell. :)
>> Kiev is more or less same in this regard, so i already having immunity
>> Yes, i will definitely get back to this issue, once i return from vacation.
>> And now i should stop reading and replying mails and spend time on
>> just resting :)
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.

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