[squeak-dev] The Inbox: System-ul.496.mcz

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Fri Sep 14 16:00:33 UTC 2012

A new version of System was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ul.496
Author: ul
Time: 14 September 2012, 2:54:39.996 pm
UUID: 762fe830-0bfc-f545-b636-7811666df4ab
Ancestors: System-ul.495

- redirect author related methods from Utilities to Author
- removed AuthorInitials and AuthorName from Utilities

=============== Diff against System-ul.495 ===============

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Utilities
  	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: 'CommonRequestStrings LastStats RecentSubmissions ScrapsBook UpdateDownloader UpdateUrlLists'
- 	classVariableNames: 'AuthorInitials AuthorName CommonRequestStrings LastStats RecentSubmissions ScrapsBook UpdateDownloader UpdateUrlLists'
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'System-Support'!
  !Utilities commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
  A repository for general and miscellaneous utilities; much of what is here are in effect global methods that don't naturally attach to anything else.  1/96 sw!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>authorInitials (in category 'identification') -----
  	"Answer the initials to be used to identify the current code author.  "
+ 	^Author initials!
- 	[AuthorInitials isEmpty] whileTrue: [self setAuthorInitials].
- 	^ AuthorInitials!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>authorInitialsPerSe (in category 'identification') -----
  	"Answer the currently-prevailing author initials, such as they, empty or not"
+ 	^Author initialsPerSe!
- 	^ AuthorInitials!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>authorName (in category 'identification') -----
+ 	^Author username!
- 	AuthorName ifEmpty: [self setAuthorName].
- 	^ AuthorName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>authorName: (in category 'identification') -----
  authorName: aString
+ 	Author current username: aString!
- 	AuthorName := aString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>authorNamePerSe (in category 'identification') -----
+ 	^Author usernamePerSe!
- 	^ AuthorName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>changeStamp (in category 'identification') -----
+ 	^Author changeStamp!
- 	"Answer a string to be pasted into source code to mark who changed it and when."
- 	^ self authorInitials , ' ' , Date today mmddyyyy, ' ',
- 		((String streamContents: [:s | Time now print24: true on: s]) copyFrom: 1 to: 5)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>changeStampPerSe (in category 'identification') -----
+ 	^Author changeStampPerSe!
- 	"Answer a string to be pasted into source code to mark who changed it and when."
- 	^String streamContents:
- 		[ : stream | 
- 		self authorInitialsPerSe isEmptyOrNil
- 			ifTrue: [ '·' ]
- 			ifFalse: [ self authorInitialsPerSe ].
- 		stream
- 			 space ;
- 			 nextPutAll: Date today mmddyyyy ;
- 			 space.
- 		(String streamContents:
- 			[ : s | 
- 			Time now
- 				print24: true
- 				on: s ])
- 			copyFrom: 1
- 			to: 5 ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>setAuthorInitials (in category 'identification') -----
  	"Put up a dialog allowing the user to specify the author's initials.  "
+ 	^Author current requestAndSetInitials!
- 	self setAuthorInitials:
- 		(UIManager default request: 'Please type your initials: ' translated
- 					initialAnswer: AuthorInitials)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>setAuthorInitials: (in category 'identification') -----
  setAuthorInitials: aString
+ 	Author current initials: aString!
- 	AuthorInitials := aString.
- 	"Case of being reset due to, eg, copy of image."
- 	aString isEmpty ifTrue: [AuthorName := '']!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>setAuthorName (in category 'identification') -----
+ 	Author requestAndSetUsername!
- 	AuthorName := UIManager default 
- 			request: 'Please type your name:' translated
- 			initialAnswer: 'Your Name' translated!

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