[squeak-dev] Towards SqueakCore

Pavel Krivanek squeak1 at continentalbrno.cz
Mon Feb 11 14:41:23 UTC 2013

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Stéphane Rollandin
<lecteur at zogotounga.net> wrote:
>> I recommend to follow the same way we use in Pharo:
>> - firstly prepare the SqueakCore and clean it a bit.
>> - make basic packages like Network and Monticello loadable.
>> - make the rest of the system loadable using Monticello at once,
>> ensure everything is working well
>> - start to improve granularity of that bundle
> If I understand correctly, this would mean starting from another (smaller)
> image than the current trunk, and try to get to the trunk by adding
> packages. It seems to me that backward compatibility is jeopardized in this
> process (I know it's not a Pharo value, but it is a Squeak one).
> I prefer the process of starting from the trunk and having more and more
> packages unloadable/loadable (in that order). This way the trunk is always
> there and backward compatibility can be verified at any time.
> Stef

Hi Stef,

it does not directly mean to start from another image because the
smaller image would be generated from the trunk image for every
update. It is only a way how to ensure that the packages are loadable
back - only a more radical version of "unloadAllKnownPackages". It is
a parallel process of checking  the image quality and modularity.
The way "from top" is very hard if you must deal with big dirty
packages like Morphic and co.

-- Pavel

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