[squeak-dev] [Pharo-dev] [Cryptography port to Pharo] RandomGenerator class>>unpredictableStringsDo:

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Mon Oct 19 17:02:25 UTC 2015

> On 19-10-2015, at 5:58 AM, Louis LaBrunda <Lou at Keystone-Software.com> wrote:
> I think most CPUs support "Digital
> Thermal Sensor" (I'm not sure about ARM). 

ARM *is* most cpus. I think we long ago passed the point where more than 50% of all >32bit cpus were ARM.

Typically the temperature of each core is monitored by stuff added around the ARM cores in an SoC, not the ARM itself. For example on a Pi, `vcgencmd measure_temp` works, though strictly speaking that measures the general temp of the SoC - which like many devices that are ARM powered is a large thing to do stuff and just happens to have a few Gips of processor hidden in a small corner.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Oxymorons: Airline Food

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