[squeak-dev] Squeak email client? (was Re: The Inbox: Tools-LM.808.mcz)

patrick.rein at hpi.uni-potsdam.de patrick.rein at hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Mon Apr 30 09:07:33 UTC 2018

Glad you brought that up Tim :) I am using email on a daily basis in Squeak. While there are still lots of things to fix, it works well enough to get most of my reading, writing and organizing of emails done. What I like most about having my emails in Squeak is how fast I can adapt things. For example, I have an extension for my email reader which checks the sender of an email and if the email comes from students it shows me the groups they are in. Building that extension took me about 10 minutes (mostly UI work).

>From a technical perspective, I am using the email abstraction from the base system, a Python-based IMAP to maildir synchronization tool (https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap), and a maildir reader (https://github.com/codeZeilen/SMailDir). This way I can have objects for every email in my image and at the same time quickly access the content of most emails. If anyone is interested in setting this up for themselves I am happy to help. 

I would love to change the synchronization process to a Squeak-based library at one point (some work is done by students at HPI https://github.com/hpi-swa-teaching/IMAPClient).

Besides that: I also think copy to clipboard is the better option for the debugger. :)


>> On 28-04-2018, at 12:35 PM, Chris Muller <asqueaker at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The "mail out" option is cool but not useful for the vast majority,
>> and a bit out-of-place in the IDE; nowhere else makes use of email.
>I agree - hardly anyone will have set up to use email within an image and I'm all for simplifying menus where possible. Copy to clipboard seems by far the more useful option here.
>Mind you, it would be nice if people *did* frequently use email in Squeak! Given how my email (Mac OS mail app) regularly seems to get worse, perhaps it's time to write a really good email client. Yes, I've looked at others and mostly concluded they're even  worse. 
>My ideal would be a single UI that composites emails, twitter-like stuff, skype & Messages traffic, and anything else in the field. You might even persuade me to use Slack if it was all in one.
>tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
>Strange OpCodes: DUL: Delete Utility Library

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