[squeak-dev] The Inbox: Tools-LM.828.mcz

Leon Matthes leon.matthes at student.hpi.de
Tue Aug 14 08:52:10 UTC 2018

In the interest of full disclosure, I should probably first tell you, that I
am the original author of the commit and I actually am one of Tobias
students and are now at about one year of squeak/smalltalk experience and up
until a few days ago fell right in the middle of the 95% of students who
didn't know for certain that [] == nil is true.

Eliot Miranda-2 wrote
> That way leads to American English...or Newspeak (Orwell) ;-)
> Seriously, there is a flaw in the teaching if your figures are right. 
> Literacy is important.  Brevity is important. Idiom is important.  And
> knowing what the basic elements of the language are is important.  That []
> value == nil is true is important.

I was very likely once taught that [] == nil is true, but it is just
something that comes up so rarely, that I just forgot about it.
I did actually check the implementation to make sure, it is true, as I
suspected, but because it is important for the algorithm in question I
wanted to make sure everyone can understand the code, even if they don't
have much experience with smalltalk. In my personal opinion, easy
understandability, even by newcomers is more important than brevity, because
otherwise you will just scare people away from the language, if you first
need to study it for years on end before you can sufficiently read it.
If brevity is important to you however, I would suggest a middle ground of
"obj := parents at: obj ifAbsent: nil" as a compromise.
nil is just one more character than [], but more clearly represents the
But this solution is indeed less idiomatic, therefore I'm not really
satisfied with it either, I would like to hear someone else's stance on it

Eliot Miranda-2 wrote
>>> Another thing one should know is that 
>>>    e ifTrue: [s]
>>> is the same as
>>>    e ifTrue: [s] ifFalse: []
>>> etc. ie, if e is false the value is nil.
>> You know that I did not know that five years in into using Squeak (that
>> is when I started implementing for my master's thesis)?
> Did you never read the definitions for ifTrue: and ifFalse: ?

I did read them in my first few weeks of study and was amazed that you could
actually look into the definitions of such primitive procedures but again,
its just something thats almost never important, and therefore not
necessarily something to actively remember.

Eliot Miranda-2 wrote
>> It's only obvious in hindsight. I had rather expected to
>>    e ifTrue: [s]  ===> false OR s
>> Which is an equally sensible variant.
>> I don't want wo argue that things are bad. but let's not go down that
>> road and say One Must Know That ... :)
> But yes, one /should/ know that.  The core classes should be read.  If you
> want to raise a generation of JavaScripters then sure, ignore literacy. 
> But if you want to raise a generation that can appreciate great, carefully
> considered design, educate them to think and to read and write well. 
> Everything else is Ebonics and the Prussian Model.

Again, one probably should know that, if one is a long time smalltalk
developer but there are always people that don't. Maybe its because they
just started squeak/smalltalk, or never got around to reading those few
particular methods. In any case, I think we should always include the people
that don't know every nook and cranny of the language they are working with,
because otherwise we would neglect new programmers, who are just so very
important for the health of a language.

I would be interested though why you think extreme brevity is so crucially
important, because I often don't see the use of it, except that its a little
less typing, so maybe I'm missing the point here.

I would also appreciate feedback on this small piece of code:
    + PointerFinder on: self object except: {self}, ObjectExplorerWrapper
    - self flag: #tooMany. "mt: Note that we might want to ignore references
caused by this tool." 
    - self object chasePointers.! 
I really don't like the use of allInstances in this case, but I didn' see a
better way to find the ObjectExplorerWrappers that might hog references to
the Object in question.

Kind regards,

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