[squeak-dev] read-only literals

Chris Muller asqueaker at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 03:26:58 UTC 2018

On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 6:18 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,

Hi Eliot,

Congratulations on the enhancement.  As developer of Magma, I'm
interested in learning more about it as a possible alternative to the
WriteBarrier.  How does it work?

First, it might help me to understand what _your_ primary motivation
for proposing to make various entire classes of objects read-only by
default?  As you found from running the tests, the few cases that
modified literals were doing it intentionally.  My guess is that more
read-only objects allows the VM to run a lot faster, is that right?
But my hope was that this capability would be provided with
granularity at the object-level, not necessarily the class level.

>     the VM now has support for read only objects, and the first logical
> application is for literals, making boxed floats, strings, symbols, arrays
> and byte arrays read-only.

Wow, Arrays and ByteArrays too?  Magma's core Buffer classes all use
ByteArray's internally to represent and update their state.  Ouch!

> Doing so is trivial; only two methods need to be
> modified (see attached).  AFAIA little or no core code is broken by making
> literals read-only.  However, when I ran the test suite with read-only
> literals in place, several tests were broken.  These are things like
> creating null-terminated strings for testing OSProcess, by replacing spaces
> in string literals with zeros, etc.
> When we added read-only literals to VisualWorks in something like vw7.0 the
> balance of opinion was that we should not break user code.  Hence we
> implemented a preference scheme with three states:
> - By default, an attempt to modify a read-only literal would silently make
> the literal mutable temporarily,update it and then reenable read-onlyness.

Magma uses previously-loaded ByteArray's and replaces their contents,
field by field, via ByteArray>>#uint:at:put:.  It runs this method
more than any other in the image -- millions and millions of times.
The performance of this method is very important for Magma.

> - A second state would issue a warning to the transcript, while doing what
> the default did.

I'm reading that and imagining a low level primitive like
Array>>#at:put: having a reference or signal to the Transcript that
runs *every single time*?  That can't be true.  Surely the "preference
scheme" you mentioned must've been more sophisticated than global
Preference values.  Something more dynamic and simple, like "myObject
beReadOnly: true"...?   Then applications -- including the IDE -- can
handle AttemptToModifyReadOnlyObject as needed.

> - The third state would raise an error

In the process of raising that error, is there any danger of
encountering a place in the debugger code which attempted to modify
another Array, thus causing it to re-enter the original error-raising
code to raise yet another error?  It seems like a pretty low-level
thing to have to guard against...

> Remember that all one needs to do to fix code that modifies literals is to
> send copy to the literal before modifying the copy, since copies of
> read-only literals are mutable.

I hope we are not confusing the intermal representation of objects
being bytes with whether those objects are literals or not.  If a
program sees fit to modify a "literal", techincally is not a literal,
but a variable, right?  Dave's case sounds like a true literal, but
I'm saying I have applications which update bitmap forms in real time.
Artists paint on SketchMorphs..  I presume you don't mean for _these_
cases to need to make constant copies...

> I was on the side of only raising an error, but was overruled :-).  I wonder
> what this community thinks.  If there are strong views that user code should
> continue to function unchanged (even though it is modifying literals, which
> is so so wrong :-) ) I'm happy to implement a scheme similar to that for
> VisualWorks.  But I'd rather not have to and simply have people fix their
> code within a system that raises an error whenever an attempt is made to
> modify a literal, and is as simple as possible, but no simpler ;-)
> Thoughts, opinions?

Instead of introducing new assumptions and breaking old code, I
suggest people writing which explicitly turn ON read-only'ness,  for
the objects they want preserving legacy expectations about Smalltalk
as well as the operation of legacy applications.  IMO, any
introduction of immutability at the class-level should be turned off
by default.  Make it powerful but not painful.

It would help tremendously to know what you want to accomplish and how
the new API works.


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