[squeak-dev] MCSaveVersionDialog splitter broken

Stéphane Rollandin lecteur at zogotounga.net
Mon Nov 18 08:30:40 UTC 2019

> Here is some history about (the rather recently added) #balanceOffsets:
> http://forum.world.st/A-fix-for-ProportionalSplitterMorph-td5072182.html
> http://forum.world.st/A-fix-for-ProportionalSplitterMorph-take-2-td5072239.html

Indeed, #balanceOffsets is an attempt to fix the problem described by 
Nicolas in #repositionBy: that I proposed because it worked for me (at 
the time I needed correct splitters for Boadebui, my MIDI sequencer: 

But it messed with Smart Splitters, and so Chris Muller and I had some 
private exchanges and the code eventually became what it is now.

But the root of the problem is in #repositionBy: and ideally we should 
not need #balanceOffsets at all.


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