[squeak-dev] Today's price for "nastiest code seen' goes to...

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Fri Apr 3 22:59:24 UTC 2020

Not from Squeak, thank goodness

decode: aString
	" Answer the decoded representation of aString which is an encoded series of bytes"
	|ret answer tmpstr decoded plain |
	plain := String new.
	ret := String new.
	1 to: aString size do: [ :x |
		((String new copyWith: (aString at: x)) = '-') ifFalse: [
			plain := plain, (String new copyWith: (aString at: x)).

	plain do: [ :x | ret := ret, (rctable keyAtValueEqual: (String new copyWith: x) ifAbsent: [ '' ] )  ].

	answer := OrderedCollection new.
	tmpstr := String new.
	1 to: ret size do: [ :x | 
		tmpstr := tmpstr, (String new copyWith: (ret at: x)).
		(tmpstr size = 8) ifTrue: [		
			answer add: tmpstr.
			tmpstr := String new.
	decoded := String new.
	answer do: [ :x | decoded := decoded, (String new copyWith: (Character value: (ctable keyAtValueEqual: x))) ].
	^decoded asByteArray

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.

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