[squeak-dev] Sound mixing makes nasty noises

Herbert König herbertkoenig at gmx.net
Thu Dec 17 13:14:45 UTC 2020

Hi Tim,

tl,dr Let's build a limiter.

I stopped using Squeak for Audio with 3.8 :-) With that in mind:

I believe that all sound goes out through SoundPlayer playing
SoundBuffers. The samples get created via mixSsampleCountInto.... which
seems to be implemented by many classes and there they all seem to do

After running some of your examples I found several SoundBuffers
containing samples 32767 and -32768 which indicates clipping.  I didn't
find enough consecutive clipped samples (you shouldn't hear a single
one) but that's because I only found a few SoundBuffers.
BTW running your example labelled "OK because.." also clipped when run
several times.

I didn't find the place where float values are changed to Integers for

I did not find any limiter. --> baaad!

So if the above is true and the problem is really the clipping (I had
the impression I also heard some wrapping where 32768 uses the top bit
as a sign) I suggest:
-No clipping during the mixing
-Find the place where the SoundBuffers go to the hardware
-Implement a limiter there

Basically you need a controlled gain. You look ahead in your SoundBuffer
for min and max. In case of overflow you calculate the necessary gain
and gradually reduce your actual gain in the time you have until that
sample really gets output. (attack phase). If no over/underflow is found
you (more) gradually raise your gain back to 1 (release phase). Maybe
introduce some delay before raising your gain again (hold phase).

For live real time audio you may not have the luxury to look ahead. You
still reduce your gain gradually (let's say in 10 ms) and clip until you
reached your final gain. Human's ears tend to tolerate this.

There's tons of compromises to evaluate with a limiter we should go with
a bit over TSTTCPW to save CPU. Maybe have another preference to choose
the system wide limiter. SCNR :-)))

I can help with rough implementations and audiowise discussions but have
no idea where to hook it in and cannot convert it to a primitive or
optimize it.

Let's wait until Stef chimes in, I'm sure he has solved that for muO

Best regards,


Am 16.12.2020 um 23:52 schrieb tim Rowledge:
> I've discovered that playing two or more sounds simultaneously can make truly appalling noises. I'm hoping somebody has a good solution.
> The problem started with playing a sound and using the pianokeyboardmorph at the same time. Ouch! Also, swizzling the mouse across the keyboard causes occasional quite audible 'scratchy-clicks' somehow. There can also be a quite noticeable sound between notes, not easily describable but sort of a 'dull thump'.
> I thought it was some issue with how the sound was played, maybe the note-end process as each piano key was released and the next pressed, timing issues.. but none of that had very much effect.
> The AbstractSound>>#stopGracefully method does seem to have a small bug, in that the decayInMs value surely ought not be the sum of the attack & decay times from the envelope? But carefully fudging the note shutdown to be faster didn't help a lot.
> After too much messing around I discovered that at least some of the problem is the mixing of sounds.
> Now, I know we did a small change to MixedSound>>#add:pan:volume: since 5.3, and that we made a small change to the SampledSound>>#mixSampleCount:into:startingAt:leftVol:rightVol: primitive. However, I'm running on a VM that has the prim change, and I've ported across the add:pan... change, with no real difference. This is, of course, on a Pi, but the same issue is audible on my iMac as well.
> Eventually I cottoned on to the fact that I was mixing two sounds with volumes set to 100%. Changing to 50% for both actually results in a perfectly fine end result - Yay! This doesn't seem like a robust solution though. What if I have four sounds playing each set to 40%? Why does it seem to work perfectly well for AbstractSound>>#stereoBachFugue play, which uses four?
> To make life even more fun, it doesn't seem like there is any volume control once a sound is playing. The AbstractSound>>#adjustVolumeTo:overMSecs: method appears to be the one to use but it has no audible effect. There is also #loudness: which does work, but produces pretty much exactly the glitch I hear from glissandoing(?) the keyboard.
> So - some workspace code to illustrate
> "awful noise when mixing"
> |snd|
> snd := FMSound organ1.
> snd setPitch: 440 dur: 10 loudness: 0.9;
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> FMSound brass1 setPitch: 470 dur:2 loudness: 0.9;
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd stopGracefully
> "OK, because both  sound defualt to quieter"
> |snd |
> snd := FMSound organ1.
> snd
> 	duration: 5;
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> FMSound brass1
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd stopGracefully.
> "nasty glitch using #loudness: plus mixing graunch"
> |snd |
> snd := FMSound organ1.
> snd duration: 5;
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd loudness: 1.0 .
> 1 second wait.
> FMSound brass1
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd stopGracefully.
> "no effect from adjustVol..."
> |snd |
> snd := FMSound organ1.
> snd
> 	duration: 5;
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd adjustVolumeTo: 1.0 overMSecs: 500.
> 1 second wait.
> FMSound brass1
> 	play.
> 1 second wait.
> snd stopGracefully.
> Aargh!
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
> A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do.

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