[squeak-dev] Installing metacello within a 'Smalltalk run:[]' fails

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Thu Jul 16 01:19:12 UTC 2020

Installer ensureRecentMetacello 
works. (in a 5.3-19435 image)

Wrapping it in 
Smalltalk run:[Installer ensureRecentMetacello ]
crashes. Specifically in MetacelloScriptEngine>>#lookupProjectSpecFor: we find that 'registration' is nil on the last line. 

Seems a bit odd; possibly sometihng to do with the assorted exception handling in the SmalltalkImage>run: code?

I'm trying to make a simplecommandline  filein that will load a bunch'o'stuff, something that has been doable before, so this is a bit puzzling.

{a bit later}
Hmm, moving the Installer ensureRecentMetacello  outside the run: block lets it install but later use of metacello within the run: block to load Seaside fails because MetacelloIgnorePackageLoaded signal: pkg doesn't return a boolean. So, yeah, probably sometihng to do with the run: handling of exceptions.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
"How many tnuctip does it take to change a lightbulb?” 
"Depends what you want them to change it into."

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