[squeak-dev] [ANN] Git Browser and Squot

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Tue Jun 2 01:22:40 UTC 2020


Thank you for this comprehensive overview, it is *really* helpful.
There is lot here to read and absorb, and some of it will take
time for me to absorb.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain, I really appreciate it.


On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 09:30:53PM +0200, Jakob Reschke wrote:
> Hello together,
> Over the past two years you may have seen occasional mentions of
> ???Squot??? and more likely of the ???Git Browser,??? which can be installed
> from the menus of a plain Squeak image since 5.2. In case you ever
> wondered: Squot and the Git Browser belong together. Let me finally
> introduce you to them today, since this is the outcome of my master
> thesis from back in 2017.
> ==What is Squot?==
> Squot is a version control system (VCS) for objects. Not only
> packages, but arbitrary objects (such as Morphs, so you do not have to
> put Smalltalk instructions how to recreate it in the VCS, but you can
> rather track the object itself).
> It uses an external VCS as its backend to store versions. As of now,
> only one implementation for Git exists (except for some test stub
> repositories for the unit tests). It should be possible to add further
> backend VCSs without changing the core of Squot.
> Squot is an abbreviation of ???Squeak object tracker,??? loosely based on
> Git???s description in its manual page: ???git - the stupid content
> tracker???.
> ==What is the Git Browser?==
> The Git Browser is a graphical user interface to operate on Squot
> working copies with a Git repository as a backend. It allows you to
> manage working copies, track packages (multiple per working copy,
> which are all versioned together), browse branches, create new
> commits, search for commits, synchronize with remote repositories, and
> perform checkouts and merges. It can be used without a Git outside of
> Squeak (it does not call external processes or shared libraries).
> The tool is primarily meant to maintain Squeak projects, which are
> published on GitHub or similar platforms, but can be used with any Git
> repository.
> ==Is it ready for use?==
> To work on Smalltalk projects: definitely yes. It has been used for at
> least three years in student courses at HPI (Potsdam). I am also using
> the Git Browser to work on Squot itself.
> To really track other objects than packages: possibly. It has some
> bugs left, so I would not recommend to rely on the tracking of objects
> other than packages for production use. For this reason, there is also
> no GUI yet to add other objects to a working copy in the Git Browser.
> There are occasional quirks when pushing to GitHub (???Connection
> closed???), so you might need to resort to the Git CLI sometimes.
> Currently you must also merge non-Smalltalk files outside of Squeak.
> To view the commit history as a graph, you can use external tools,
> such as gitk, SourceTree, or whatever your preferred Git GUI is.
> ==How can I use it?==
> 1) Install the Git Browser by choosing Tools > Git Browser in your
> Squeak image (since 5.2). This will also load several of dependencies
> via Metacello.
> 2) Once you have the Git Browser open, it will prompt you whether you
> want to create your first project now. If you would like to start a
> fresh and empty working copy on an empty Git repository, select ???yes???
> and provide a path for the Git repository. If you would rather like to
> clone an existing Git repository, select ???no.???
> 3) The Git browser itself has five panes:
>     * On the top left, there is a list of projects. These are your
> working copies. Each working copy links something in your Squeak image
> to a Git repository outside of that image. Via the context menu of
> this list, you can add, change, or delete working copies and
> repositories. If this list is empty, you will want to start with the
> context menu here.
>     * Below that, there is a list of branches in the currently
> selected project (if any). Via the context menu, you can add, rename,
> and remove branches, push to remote repositories, and switch branches.
> One branch is highlighted with a green dot; this is the branch that is
> currently checked-out. If you create new commits, they will go on this
> branch.
>     * On the top right, there is the list of commits on the current
> branch (if any). You can compare commits with each other or a commit
> with the working copy, search for commits using the search bar below
> the list (or via list filtering to only search the headlines), create
> a new branch at a commit, reset the current branch to an older commit,
> or check out or merge specific objects from a commit.
>     * In the bottom-left pane, the full log message of the selected
> commit will be displayed. In addition to that, it will also show the
> commit metadata, such as the author, committer, and the abbreviated
> SHA-1 hash of the commit and its parents.
>     * Finally on the bottom right, there is a list of objects in the
> selected commit. These are usually the packages known in a particular
> commit. Via the context menu you can checkout or merge an object with
> the working copy (read checkout like ???Load??? in Monticello and merge
> like ???Merge???), browse either the object as it was at the time of the
> commit, or what is currently loaded. You can also access the current
> scripts (preamble, postscript etc.) of packages here.
> 4) Between the panes, there is a strip of buttons. They operate on the
> current branch or the selected commit. At the far right, you can
> configure how things go to Git: that is your name and e-mail address
> for the commit metadata, the Smalltalk file format you want to produce
> (FileTree/Cypress or Tonel), and whether Squot should suppress writing
> its own configuration files (if you want to submit a pull request to a
> repository that is not developed with Squot, for example). Via the
> Feedback button, you can create an issue for Squot on GitHub directly
> from the image. You can also file these here:
> https://github.com/hpi-swa/Squot/issues
> 5) To add another package to a project, or remove a package from the
> set of tracked packages, open the menu of a project and choose ???Change
> tracked packages???. Below  that menu item, you can also change between
> writing FileTree/Cypress or Tonel files (???Set package storage
> format??????).
> 6) When you switch branches via the context menu of the branch list,
> note that it will stow away all your unsaved changes and the other
> branch is checked out clean. Your unsaved changes will be restored
> when you switch back to the original branch. This behavior is
> different from the Git CLI, and was conceived in an alternative Git
> frontend called ???Gitless??? (which addresses some of Git???s awkwardness).
> 7) When you want to commit, you will find that there is no Git staging
> area as far as the Git Browser and accompanying tools are concerned.
> Instead, you can choose which packages, classes, and methods you want
> to include or exclude in the commit dialog, like in Monticello in
> recent years.
> 8) When you checkout or merge something, you always first get a list
> of changes, from which you can choose what to load and what to skip.
> 9) To update the Git Browser when a new version was published, open
> the window dropdown menu (third button from the right in the title
> bar) and choose ???self-update??????. It pulls the latest version from the
> master branch on GitHub. Ongoing development happens on the ???develop???
> branch, not on master. You can also pull that version by choosing ???set
> self-update branch?????? in the same menu, and then invoke the update.
> ==How does it work internally? Why is it not a Monticello extension?==
> Squot knows of three presentations of an object: 1) the ???live??? object
> that is ???the real thing,??? which you can normally handle in Squeak, 2)
> one or more  ???shadows??? of the object, which is a captured
> representation of one version of the ???live??? object (a snapshot); it is
> used to reason about different versions of the same object without
> loading them, 3) a ???stored??? object, for example serialized into a
> file. Objects are tracked in graphs of objects. You add an object
> graph by adding a ???root object??? to the working copy, from which all
> the other relevant objects can be reached. For example, you could add
> a complex Morph, which would include all of its submorphs. The tracked
> objects can to a certain degree control how they are captured; for
> example, the ???root Morph??? will direct Squot to ignore its #owner
> instance variable (because otherwise you would always track the whole
> World). To be able to identify an object in different versions of a
> graph, each object gets a unique name assigned when it is first
> captured. Objects may opt out of getting a name if they are true value
> objects for which identity does not matter when a shadow object is
> rematerialized to a live object during a load/checkout. Identity does
> not matter when it makes no difference whether two objects refer to
> the same instance of the value, or a different, equal instance (like
> Number, Point), or if there is only one instance by definition (like
> UndefinedObject, Boolean, Symbol).
> Packages, which are the only kind of object you can currently track in
> Monticello (besides configurations of packages), are just a special
> case of all of this. Read the rest of this paragraph as an example of
> what I wrote in the previous paragraph. The live package is
> represented by its PackageInfo. It subsumes the loaded behaviors and
> methods that are attributed to the package. A shadow package basically
> wraps an MCSnapshot of the package (Squot reuses MCSnapshots and
> MCDefinitions under the hood to represent shadows of packages,
> behaviors, methods). A stored package is a tree of files in
> FileTree/Cypress or Tonel format, for example. In theory, it could
> also be any other file representation, such as a plain file-out, or a
> SmartRefStream that contains the MCSnapshot. A PackageInfo is the
> ???root object??? of a package object graph in the working copy.
> PackageInfo will tell Squot that it does not want a unique name
> assigned, because a PackageInfo is already identified by its
> #packageName. To create the shadow package, PackageInfo also overrides
> the capturing process for Squot to find the classes, and methods
> (which are not directly referenced) and turn them into an MCSnapshot
> with Monticello. When a package is loaded in Squot, it will also use
> Monticello to actually install the changes.
> As a general way to capture any kind of object, Squot has shadow
> classes to capture objects as collections of slots that refer to other
> objects. Instance variables and indexed variables are two basic kinds
> of slots in this model. Specializations in this model are also
> possible: for example, Sets and Dictionaries use special kinds of
> slots for their elements or associations, so Squot does not capture
> their internals (the hashtable array and tally) instead. It takes into
> account that associations can be shared among multiple Dictionaries
> (like Bindings).
> Squot does not reuse the existing repository and versioning
> infrastructure of Monticello. I did this to be free of the constraints
> of the contemporary Monticello, and to not break it while developing
> Squot and its companion packages. Some concepts are also different: in
> Monticello you have packages and versions of packages, in Squot you
> have versions, each of which can contain one or more packages (or
> something else). That is, a Squot version could be viewed as a version
> of a configuration map. This maps better to the concepts of popular
> file-based version control systems like Git, Mercurial etc. Moreover,
> a Squot repository is not just a store for versions; it also knows
> branches (the managers of history).
> The Git Browser belongs to a package called Squit. Squit connects
> Squot and Git, like its name does. It provides Squot repositories and
> versions, that are in fact adapters for Git repositories and Git
> commits. To maintain the actual Git objects, Squit uses a package
> called FileSystem-Git, which allows developers to browse files in Git
> commits like regular file trees using the FileSystem API. (This was
> the first effort to support a Git implementation in Pharo, until Pharo
> abandoned it in favor of the libgit2 binding. If I remember the author
> timestamps correctly, FileSystem-Git was primarily developed by Max
> Leske, Camillo Bruni, Damien Cassou. The core Git classes are in turn
> based on the ones written by Tony Garnock-Jones, which can still be
> found on squeaksource. I converted FileSystem-Git back from Pharo to
> Squeak and made it work for its purpose (it is not a feature-complete
> Git, but you can read and write local and remote repositories
> correctly). Much of the work has already been done by the others, but
> some things needed to be fixed or added to make it usable. To that
> end, I revived the Squeak implementation of FileSystem and extended it
> where necessary. As of now it is not fully compatible with the API in
> Pharo (class names and some method names are different), but that is
> still not impossible to change.)
> More details can be found in our technical report [2].
> ==Closing words==
> I hope you will have fun using Git with Squeak.
> Thanks to all those who have contributed to this project (and its
> dependencies/ingredients) so far!
> https://github.com/hpi-swa/Squot/graphs/contributors
> Kind regards,
> Jakob
> [1] https://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/swa/publications/
> [2] https://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/swa/publications/media/ReschkeTaeumelPapeNiephausHirschfeld_TowardsVersionControlInObjectBasedSystems_HPI121.pdf

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