[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Kernel-nice.1386.mcz

Christoph Thiede christoph.thiede at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Fri Apr 16 13:10:07 UTC 2021

Hi Nicolas,

I see that you reverted Kernel-ct.1382 (which has been merged into the Trunk
earlier via Kernel-mt.1383). Was this a merge error or an intended rollback?

Assuming the latter, I would like to discuss this again, please. :-)
I already noticed by myself that the control primitive warning occurred a
bit too often in situations where you would not expect it (for instance,
when stepping through "Object sourceCodeAt: #at:"). Still, do we indeed do
not want to get informed about any attempt by the debugged process to
execute logic in another process?
Also, the simulator is not only used by the debugger but also in
miscellaneous non-interactive situations, including MessageTally, some
KernelTests, and SimulationStudio where the warning might be even more
relevant because the assumption or the contract is that the passed logic
will be simulated completely.
Would it be a compromise for you to signal a custom
EscapeFromSimulationWarning (better name proposals are welcome :-) ) instead
and to ignore them in the Debugger?

I am looking forward to your reply! :-)


Carpe Squeak!
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