[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Tools-ct.1081.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Dec 6 18:54:56 UTC 2021

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-ct.1081
Author: ct
Time: 6 December 2021, 7:54:51.658405 pm
UUID: d64478c1-8f6f-1f49-b6ad-21783eadeffe
Ancestors: Tools-mt.1080, Tools-ct.960

Merges Tools-ct.960:

	Revise message list menus and make "toggle break on entry" an actual toggle item. Improves multilingual support.

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.1080 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Browser>>mainMessageListMenu: (in category 'message functions') -----
  mainMessageListMenu: aMenu
  	<messageListMenuShifted: false>
+ 	^ aMenu
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
+ 			('what to show...'			offerWhatToShowMenu));
+ 		add: (self isBreakOnEntry ifTrue: ['<on>'] ifFalse: ['<off>']) , 'break on entry' translated
+ 			action: #toggleBreakOnEntry;
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
- 	^ aMenu addList: #(
- 			('what to show...'			offerWhatToShowMenu)
- 			('toggle break on entry'		toggleBreakOnEntry)
  			('browse full (b)' 			browseMethodFull)
  			('browse hierarchy (h)'		browseClassHierarchy)
  			('browse protocol (p)'			browseFullProtocol)
  			('fileOut'					fileOutMessage)
  			('printOut'					printOutMessage)
  			('copy selector (c)'			copySelector)
  			('copy reference (C)'		copyReference)
  			('senders of... (n)'			browseSendersOfMessages)
  			('implementors of... (m)'		browseMessages)
  			('inheritance (i)'			methodHierarchy)
  			('versions (v)'				browseVersions)
  			('references... (r)'			browseVariableReferences)
  			('assignments... (a)'			browseVariableAssignments)
  			('class refs (N)'			browseClassRefs)
  			('remove method (x)'			removeMessage)
  			('explore method'			exploreMethod)
  			('inspect method'			inspectMethod));
+ 		yourself!
- 		yourself
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CodeHolder>>isBreakOnEntry (in category 'breakpoints') -----
+ isBreakOnEntry
+ 	| selectedMethod |
+ 	selectedMethod := self selectedClassOrMetaClass
+ 		compiledMethodAt: self selectedMessageName
+ 		ifAbsent: [^ false].
+ 	^ selectedMethod hasBreakpoint!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>mainContextStackMenu: (in category 'context stack menu') -----
  mainContextStackMenu: aMenu
  	"Set up the menu appropriately for the context-stack-list, unshifted"
  	<contextStackMenuShifted: false>
+ 	^ aMenu
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
- 	^ aMenu addList: #(
  			('fullStack (f)' 				fullStack) 
  			('restart (r)' 				restart) 
  			('proceed (p)' 				proceed) 
  			('step (t)' 					doStep) 
  			('step through (T)'	 		stepIntoBlock) 
  			('send (e)' 					send) 
  			('where (w)' 				where) 
  			('peel to first like this' 		peelToFirst) 
  			('return entered value' 		returnValue) 
+ 			- );
+ 		add: (self isBreakOnEntry ifTrue: ['<on>'] ifFalse: ['<off>']) , 'break on entry' translated
+ 			action: #toggleBreakOnEntry;
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
- 			- 
- 			('toggle break on entry'	toggleBreakOnEntry) 
  			('senders of    (n)' 			browseSendersOfMessages) 
  			('implementors of    (m)' 	browseMessages) 
  			('inheritance (i)' 			methodHierarchy) 
- 			- 
  			('versions (v)' 				browseVersions) 
  			('references    (r)' 			browseVariableReferences) 
  			('assignments    (a)' 		browseVariableAssignments) 
  			('class refs (N)' 				browseClassRefs) 
  			('browse full (b)' 			browseMethodFull) 
  			('file out ' 			 		fileOutMessage) 
  			('remove method (x) ' 		removeMessage) 
  			('copy bug report to clipboard'	copyBugReportToClipboard));
+ 		yourself!
- 		yourself
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageSet>>mainMessageListMenu: (in category 'message list') -----
  mainMessageListMenu: aMenu
- 	"Answer the message-list menu"
  	<messageListMenuShifted: false>
+ 	^ aMenu
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
+ 			('what to show...'			offerWhatToShowMenu));
+ 		add: (self isBreakOnEntry ifTrue: ['<on>'] ifFalse: ['<off>']) , 'break on entry' translated
+ 			action: #toggleBreakOnEntry;
+ 		addTranslatedList: #(
- 	aMenu addList: #(
- 			('what to show...'			offerWhatToShowMenu)
- 			('toggle break on entry'		toggleBreakOnEntry)
  			('browse full (b)' 			browseMethodFull)
  			('browse hierarchy (h)'			browseClassHierarchy)
  			('browse protocol (p)'			browseFullProtocol)
  			('fileOut'				fileOutMessage)
  			('printOut'				printOutMessage)
  			('copy selector (c)'		copySelector)
  			('copy reference (C)'	copyReference)
  			('senders of... (n)'			browseSendersOfMessages)
  			('implementors of... (m)'		browseMessages)
  			('inheritance (i)'			methodHierarchy)
  			('versions (v)'				browseVersions)
  			('references... (r)'			browseVariableReferences)
  			('assignments... (a)'			browseVariableAssignments)
  			('class refs (N)'			browseClassRefs)
  			('remove method (x)'			removeMessage)
  			('explore method'			exploreMethod)
+ 			('inspect method'			inspectMethod));
+ 		yourself!
- 			('inspect method'			inspectMethod)).
- 	^ aMenu!

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