[squeak-dev] The Inbox: Tools-ct.1032.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Mar 10 17:51:37 UTC 2021

A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-ct.1032
Author: ct
Time: 10 March 2021, 6:51:33.356304 pm
UUID: 897e4ea2-3740-6a45-a054-d7da65105568
Ancestors: Tools-mt.1030

In the Message Names tool, show definition, comment, and hierarchy for class hits. In particular helpful to find out efficiently whether a selector belongs to a binding or to an actual class.

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.1030 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageNames>>computeMessageList (in category 'search') -----
+ 	| selector |
+ 	selectorListIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ #()].
+ 	selector := selectorList at: selectorListIndex.
+ 	^ (selector first isUppercase ifTrue: [Smalltalk classNamed: selector])
+ 		ifNotNil: [:class |
+ 			class := Smalltalk classNamed: selector.
+ 			#(Definition Comment Hierarchy) collect: [:sel |
+ 				MethodReference class: class selector: sel] ]
+ 		ifNil: [self systemNavigation allImplementorsOf: selector]!
- 	^ selectorListIndex = 0
- 		ifTrue: [#()]
- 		ifFalse: [self systemNavigation
- 			allImplementorsOf: (selectorList at: selectorListIndex)]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageNames>>selectedMessageName (in category 'message list') -----
  	selectorList basicSize = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. "Deals with selectorList nil or empty"
+ 	^super selectedMessageName ifNil: [
+ 		"only message name selected"
+ 		selectorList at: (selectorListIndex max: 1) ifAbsent: [nil] "If no selection we can still find a selector"]!
- 	^selectorList at: (selectorListIndex max: 1) ifAbsent: [nil] "If no selection we can still find a selector"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageSet>>aboutToStyle: (in category 'code pane') -----
+ aboutToStyle: aStyler
+ 	"This is a notification that aStyler is about to re-style its text.
+ 	Set the classOrMetaClass in aStyler, so that identifiers will be resolved correctly.
- aboutToStyle: aPluggableShoutMorphOrView
- 	"This is a notification that aPluggableShoutMorphOrView is about to re-style its text.
- 	Set the classOrMetaClass in aPluggableShoutMorphOrView, so that identifiers
- 	will be resolved correctly.
  	Answer true to allow styling to proceed, or false to veto the styling"
  	| selectedMessageName showingMethod |
  	self showingSource ifFalse: [^false].
  	selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName.
  	showingMethod := (#(Comment Definition Hierarchy) includes: selectedMessageName) not.
+ 	aStyler parseAMethod: showingMethod.
  	"Hack!!  setting classOrMetaClass: to nil allows doit or class definition colouring."
+ 	aStyler classOrMetaClass: (showingMethod ifTrue: [self selectedClassOrMetaClass]).
- 	aPluggableShoutMorphOrView classOrMetaClass: (showingMethod ifTrue: [self selectedClassOrMetaClass]).
  	^(#(Comment Hierarchy) includes: selectedMessageName) not!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MessageSet>>selectedMessage (in category 'message list') -----
  	"Answer the source method for the currently selected message."
  	self setClassAndSelectorIn: [:class :selector | | source | 
  		class ifNil: [^ 'Class vanished'].
  		selector first isUppercase ifTrue:
  			[selector == #Comment ifTrue:
+ 				["currentCompiledMethod := class organization commentRemoteStr."
- 				[currentCompiledMethod := class organization commentRemoteStr.
  				^ class comment].
  			selector == #Definition ifTrue:
  				[^ class definition].
  			selector == #Hierarchy ifTrue: [^ class printHierarchy]].
  		source := class sourceMethodAt: selector ifAbsent:
  			[currentCompiledMethod := nil.
  			^ 'Missing'].
  		self showingDecompile ifTrue: [^ self decompiledSourceIntoContents].
  		currentCompiledMethod := class compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: [nil].
  		self showingDocumentation ifTrue: [^ self commentContents].
  	source := self sourceStringPrettifiedAndDiffed.
  	^ source asText makeSelectorBoldIn: class]!

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