[squeak-dev] Review Request: selectUnusedVariable.1.cs

christoph.thiede at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de christoph.thiede at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Fri Dec 30 20:04:50 UTC 2022

=============== Summary ===============

Change Set:        selectUnusedVariable
Date:            30 December 2022
Author:            Christoph Thiede

During interactive parsing, while asking the user about a unused temporary variable, select the variable declaration in question. This aligns the notification behavior with the notifications for ambiguous selectors, unknown selectors, undeclared variables, and undefined variables.

=============== Diff ===============

BlockLocalTemporariesRemovalTest>>selectIntervalInvisibly: {requesting} · ct 12/30/2022 20:57
+ selectIntervalInvisibly: anInterval

CompilerExceptionsTest>>testUnusedVariable {tests} · ct 12/30/2022 20:53 (changed)

        compiling: 'griffle | goo | ^nil'
        shouldRaise: UnusedVariable
-         andSelect: [self text]
+         andSelect: 'goo'
        testing: {
            [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled].
            false -> [self assertSucceeded].
            true -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle\s*\^nil' asRegex] }.
        compiling: [self compileNoPattern: '| goo|^ nil' "note there is no space between the variable and the bar"]
        shouldRaise: UnusedVariable
-         andSelect: [self text]
+         andSelect: 'goo'
        testing: { true -> [self assertSucceeded: '\s*\^ nil' asRegex] }.
+     self 
+         compiling: 'griffle | goo1 goo | ^ (goo1 := nil)'
+         shouldRaise: UnusedVariable
+         andSelect: [(text allRangesOfRegexMatches: 'goo(?!1)') first]
+         testing: {
+             [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled].
+             false -> [self assertSucceeded].
+             true -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle \| goo1 \| \^ \(goo1 \:= nil\)' asRegex] }.
        compiling: 'griffle ^[ | goo | ]'
        shouldRaise: UnusedVariable
-         andSelect: [self text]
+         andSelect: 'goo'
        testing: {
            [:ex | ex resume] -> [self assertCanceled].
            false -> [self assertSucceeded].
            true -> [self assertSucceeded: 'griffle \^\[\s*\]' asRegex] }.

Parser>>removeUnusedTemps: {error correction} · ct 12/30/2022 20:54 (changed)
removeUnusedTemps: methodNode
    "Scan for unused temp names, and prompt the user about the prospect of removing each one found"

    | madeChanges tempsMarkHolder unusedTempNames tempMarkHoldersToChange |
    madeChanges := false.
    tempMarkHoldersToChange := OrderedCollection new.
    tempsMarkHolder := self collectTemporaryDeclarationsFrom: methodNode.
    unusedTempNames := encoder unusedTempNames select: 
        [ :temp | (encoder lookupVariable: temp ifAbsent: [ ]) isUndefTemp 
            and: [ self queriedUnusedTemporaries at: temp ifAbsentPut: [
-                 (UnusedVariable name: temp) ifNil: [ ^ self fail ]] ]].
+                 | str declStart declStop |
+                 str := cue requestor text asString.
+                 declStop := (str indexOf: $|) - 1.
+                 [declStart := str findString: temp startingAt: declStop + 2.
+                 declStop := declStart + temp size - 1]
+                     doWhileFalse: "don't select other declaration with same prefix"
+                         [#(xDelimiter verticalBar) includes:
+                             (self typeTableAt: (str at: declStop + 1))].
+                 self selectFrom: declStart to: declStop during:
+                     [(UnusedVariable name: temp) ifNil: [ ^ self fail ]] ] ]].
    tempsMarkHolder do: [ :currentBlock | 
        tempMarkHoldersToChange add: currentBlock.
        unusedTempNames do: 
            [ :temp |
                removeUnusedTemporaryNamed: temp 
                from: cue requestor text asString 
                lookingAt: currentBlock
                movingTempMarksOf: tempMarkHoldersToChange) ifTrue: [ madeChanges := true ]]].
        ifTrue: [ self removeEmptyTempDeclarationsFrom: methodNode.
            ReparseAfterSourceEditing signal ]

Parser>>selectFrom:to:during: {error correction} · ct 12/30/2022 20:47 (changed)
selectFrom: start to: stop during: aBlock
    "Temporarily focus user attention on a zone of error thru text section.
    Then restore original user selection.
    Note: the original selection is restored invisibly (not displayed).
    This will avoid flickering when chaining multiple corrections."
-     | userSelection |
+     | userSelection result |
    userSelection := cue requestor selectionInterval.
    cue requestor selectFrom: start to: stop.
-     aBlock value.
-     cue requestor selectIntervalInvisibly: userSelection
+     result := aBlock value.
+     cue requestor selectIntervalInvisibly: userSelection.
+     ^ result

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