[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Multilingual-mt.270.mcz

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Thu Mar 10 14:14:57 UTC 2022

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Multilingual to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Multilingual-mt.270
Author: mt
Time: 10 March 2022, 3:14:55.615178 pm
UUID: 7028f2ff-f539-2f40-afc8-9558c655395f
Ancestors: Multilingual-mt.269

Locale clean-up. Complements Multilingual-mt.269 and System-mt.1318

=============== Diff against Multilingual-mt.269 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompoundTextConverter>>toUnicode: (in category 'private') -----
  toUnicode: aChar
  	| charset v |
  	aChar leadingChar = 0 ifTrue: [^ aChar].
+ 	charset := EncodedCharSet charsetAt: aChar leadingChar.
- 	charset := (EncodedCharSet charsetAt: aChar leadingChar) charsetClass.
  	v := charset convertToUnicode: aChar charCode.
  	^ Character leadingChar: charset unicodeLeadingChar code: v!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: EncodedCharSet class>>charsetClass (in category 'class methods') -----
+ 	self flag: #deprecated.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: EncodedCharSet class>>initialize (in category 'class methods') -----
  	self initialize
  	self allSubclassesDo: [:each | each initialize].
  	EncodedCharSets := Array new: 256.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 0+1 put: Unicode "Latin1Environment".
  	EncodedCharSets at: 1+1 put: JISX0208.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 2+1 put: GB2312.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 3+1 put: KSX1001.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 4+1 put: JISX0208.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 5+1 put: JapaneseEnvironment.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 6+1 put: SimplifiedChineseEnvironment.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 7+1 put: KoreanEnvironment.
  	EncodedCharSets at: 8+1 put: GB2312.
  	"EncodedCharSets at: 9+1 put: UnicodeTraditionalChinese."
  	"EncodedCharSets at: 10+1 put: UnicodeVietnamese."
  	EncodedCharSets at: 12+1 put: KSX1001.
+ 	EncodedCharSets at: 13+1 put: GreekEnvironment.
+ 	EncodedCharSets at: 14+1 put: Latin2Environment.
+ 	EncodedCharSets at: 15+1 put: NepaleseEnvironment.
+ 	EncodedCharSets at: 16+1 put: RussianEnvironment.
+ 	EncodedCharSets at: 255+1 put: Unicode "Latin1Environment".
- 	"EncodedCharSets at: 13+1 put: GreekEnvironment."
- 	"EncodedCharSets at: 14+1 put: Latin2Environment."
- 	"EncodedCharSets at: 15+1 put: RussianEnvironment."
- 	EncodedCharSets at: 256 put: Unicode.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MultiByteFileStream>>initializeConverter (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ 	self converter: Locale currentPlatform systemConverter!
- 	self converter: TextConverter defaultSystemConverter!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StrikeFontSet class>>installExternalFontOn:encoding:encodingName:textStyleName: (in category 'fileIn/Out') -----
  installExternalFontOn: aStream encoding: encoding encodingName: aString textStyleName: styleName
  	| array encodingIndex textStyle |
+ 	self assert: [styleName = #DefaultMultiStyle].
  	array := aStream
  		untilEndWithFork: [(ReferenceStream on: aStream) next]
  		displayingProgress: 'Font reading...'. 
  	TextConstants at: aString asSymbol put: array.
  	textStyle := TextConstants at: styleName asSymbol.
+ 	textStyle defaultFont isFontSet ifFalse: [
+ 		textStyle := textStyle copy.
+ 		textStyle newFontArray: (textStyle fontArray collect: [:ea | ea asFontSet]).
+ 		TextConstants at: styleName asSymbol put: textStyle].
  	encodingIndex := encoding + 1.
  	textStyle fontArray do: [:fs |
  		| fonts |
  		fonts := fs fontArray.
  		encodingIndex > fonts size
  			ifTrue: [fonts :=  (Array new: encodingIndex)
  				replaceFrom: 1 to: fonts size with: fonts startingAt: 1].
  		fonts at: encodingIndex put: (self findMaximumLessThan: fs fontArray first in: array).
  		fs initializeWithFontArray: fonts.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StrikeFontSet class>>installExternalFontOn:forLocale: (in category 'fileIn/Out') -----
  installExternalFontOn: aStream forLocale: locale 
+ 	"Installs an external font to be used for a new locale. An exemplary SAR installer can be found here: http://metatoys.org/pub/FontJapaneseEnvironment.sar. "
  		installExternalFontOn: aStream
  		encoding: locale languageEnvironment leadingChar
  		encodingName: locale languageEnvironment fontEncodingName
  		textStyleName: #DefaultMultiStyle!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: StrikeFontSet>>asFontSet (in category 'converting') -----
+ asFontSet
+ 	^ self!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextConverter class>>defaultSystemConverter (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ 	self flag: #deprecated.
+ 	^ Locale currentPlatform systemConverter!
- 	^LanguageEnvironment defaultSystemConverter!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Unicode class>>value: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  value: code
+ 	"Convert given Unicode code point to a Character but tag it with the system's #current language information. Note that this information is not necessarily the #currentPlatform language information but the one that currently drives natural-language translation, which we use to predict what kind of language the user currently expects when, for example, retrieving textual contents that is utf-8 encoded (files, sockets, ...). See UTF8TextConverter and #utf8ToSqueak."
  	| l |
+ 	self flag: #duplication. "mt: See Character class >> #leadingChar:code:. Duplicated for performance reasons."
+ 	code <= 16rFF ifTrue: [ ^ Character value: code "ascii or latin-1" ].
+ 	code > 16r1FFFFF ifTrue: [ self error: 'code is out of range' ].
+ 	l := Locale current leadingChar.
+ 	l = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ Character value: code "no language info" ].
+ 	l > 16rFF ifTrue: [ self error: 'lead is out of range' ].
+ 	^ Character value: (l bitShift: 22) + code!
- 	code < 256 ifTrue: [^ Character value: code].
- 	l := Locale currentPlatform languageEnvironment leadingChar.
- 	^ Character leadingChar: l code: code.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: X11Encoding class>>useEncoding: (in category 'encoding') -----
  useEncoding: encoding
  	self setEncoding: encoding.
+ 	Locale localeChanged.
- 	LanguageEnvironment startUp.
  	^ self encoding.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: X11Encoding class>>useLocaleEncoding (in category 'encoding') -----
  	self setEncodingToLocale.
+ 	Locale localeChanged.
- 	LanguageEnvironment startUp.
  	^ self encoding.!

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