[squeak-dev] The Inbox: Morphic-ct.2051.mcz

Marcel Taeumel marcel.taeumel at hpi.de
Mon Nov 21 09:04:24 UTC 2022

If you care for it, go ahead and merge it. Yet, notice the extra complexity in the form of two new instVars etc. That was one of the reasons I did not do it. :-)

You should also mention that you also decided on some visual updates in the form of border etc. I did not use that by intention as well ;-)

Am 19.11.2022 20:36:17 schrieb commits at source.squeak.org <commits at source.squeak.org>:
Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ct.2051
Author: ct
Time: 19 November 2022, 8:35:59.299387 pm
UUID: 6d037f4d-9ad4-8f48-8a0b-b40df261c00c
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.2049

Makes keyboard exerciser scale-factor-aware. Fixes layout of instruction text, which was previously not wrapped within the morph, overlapped the check buttons, and caused invalidations when moving or closing the exerciser. For this, uses a classical row-based tabel layout.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.2049 ===============

Item was changed:
Morph subclass: #KeyboardExerciser
+ instanceVariableNames: 'checkButtons eventPane'
- instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Morphic-Demo'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>addCheckButtons (in category 'initialization') -----
+ addCheckButtons
+ | buttonPane |
+ buttonPane := Morph new
+ beTransparent;
+ changeTableLayout;
+ hResizing: #spaceFill;
+ vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ listDirection: #leftToRight;
+ wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
+ cellGap: 10 px;
+ yourself.
+ checkButtons := OrderedCollection new.
+ #(processKeyStroke 'Test key stroke'
+ processKeyDown 'Test key down'
+ processKeyUp 'Test key up')
+ groupsDo: [:selector :label |
+ | button |
+ button := ThreePhaseButtonMorph checkBox
+ target: self;
+ actionSelector: selector;
+ label: label;
+ yourself.
+ checkButtons addLast: button.
+ buttonPane addMorphBack: button].
+ self addMorphBack: buttonPane.
+ ^ buttonPane!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>addEventPane (in category 'initialization') -----
+ addEventPane
+ eventPane := Morph new
+ beTransparent;
+ changeTableLayout;
+ listDirection: #leftToRight;
+ wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
+ hResizing: #spaceFill;
+ vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ cellGap: 10 px;
+ height: 0;
+ yourself.
+ self addMorphBack: eventPane.
+ ^ eventPane!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>addTitle (in category 'initialization') -----
+ addTitle
+ | title |
+ title := TextMorph new
+ contents: 'Move your mouse cursor to here and start typing. Try modifiers, too.' translated;
+ font: Preferences standardButtonFont;
+ color: Color gray;
+ hResizing: #spaceFill;
+ lock;
+ yourself.
+ self addMorphBack: title.
+ ^ title!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>checkButton: (in category 'initialization') -----
checkButton: checkIndex

+ self checkButtons do: [:button |
+ button state: #off].
- 1 to: 3 do: [:index |
- (self submorphs at: index)
- state: #off].

+ (self checkButtons at: checkIndex) state: #on.!
- (self submorphs at: checkIndex) state: #on.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>checkButtons (in category 'accessing') -----
+ checkButtons
+ ^ checkButtons!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>clear (in category 'initialization') -----

+ eventPane removeAllMorphs.
+ eventPane height: 0.!
- (self submorphs allButFirst: 3) do: [:m | m delete].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
- drawOn: aCanvas
- super drawOn: aCanvas.
- aCanvas
- drawString: 'Move your mouse cursor to here and start typing. Try modifiers, too.' translated
- at: self topLeft
- font: Preferences standardButtonFont
- color: Color gray.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>eventMorphs (in category 'accessing') -----
+ eventMorphs
+ ^ eventPane submorphs!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>handleEvent:inspect: (in category 'actions') -----
handleEvent: mouseEvent inspect: morph

+ mouseEvent shiftPressed
- mouseEvent shiftPressed
ifTrue: [(morph valueOfProperty: #event) explore]
ifFalse: [(morph valueOfProperty: #event) inspect].!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----

super initialize.

+ color: ((self userInterfaceTheme get: #color for: #ScrollPane) ifNil: [Color white]);
+ borderStyle: ((self userInterfaceTheme get: #borderStyle for: #ScrollPane) ifNil: [BorderStyle simple]) copy;
+ borderColor: ((self userInterfaceTheme get: #borderColor for: #ScrollPane) ifNil: [Color gray: 0.6]);
+ borderWidth: (((self userInterfaceTheme get: #borderWidth for: #ScrollPane) ifNil: [1]) * RealEstateAgent scaleFactor) truncated;
+ extent: 300 px @ 50 px;
- color: (self userInterfaceTheme get: #color for: #ScrollPane);
- extent: 300 at 50;
layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
+ listDirection: #topToBottom;
- listDirection: #leftToRight;
- wrapDirection: #topToBottom;
hResizing: #rigid;
vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ cellGap: 10 px;
+ layoutInset: 20 px;
- cellGap: 10;
- layoutInset: 20;

+ self addTitle.
+ self addCheckButtons.
+ self addEventPane.
- #(processKeyStroke 'Test key stroke'
- processKeyDown 'Test key down'
- processKeyUp 'Test key up')
- groupsDo: [:selector :label |
- self addMorphBack: (ThreePhaseButtonMorph checkBox
- target: self;
- actionSelector: selector;
- label: label;
- yourself)].

self processKeyStroke.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>instructionMorph (in category 'accessing') -----
+ instructionMorph
+ ^ self hasSubmorphs ifTrue: [self firstSubmorph]!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>lastEvent (in category 'accessing') -----

| view event |
+ view := (self eventMorphs ifEmpty: [^ nil]) last.
- view := self submorphs last.
(view hasProperty: #event) ifFalse: [^ nil].
event := view valueOfProperty: #event.
event isCollection ifTrue: [event := event last].
^ event!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>logEvent: (in category 'event handling') -----
logEvent: evt

| eventMorph |
evt = self lastEvent
ifTrue: [^ self logEventRepetition: evt].

eventMorph := evt asMorph.
setProperty: #event toValue: evt copy;
balloonText: ('Click to inspect. Shift+click to explore.\\Virtual key: {8}\Virtual modifiers: {5}\\Physical key: {9}\Physical modifiers: {6}\\Key value: 0x{1} ({2}) \Key character: {3}\Key string: {4}\\{7}' translated withCRs format: {
evt keyValue printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2 base: 16.
evt keyValue.
evt isKeystroke ifTrue: [evt keyCharacter printString] ifFalse: ['-'].
evt isKeystroke ifTrue: [evt keyString printString] ifFalse: ['-'].
(evt virtualModifiers joinSeparatedBy: ' ') asUppercase.
(evt physicalModifiers joinSeparatedBy: ' ') asUppercase.
evt printString.
evt virtualKey printString.
evt physicalKey asString printString}).

on: #mouseEnter send: #handleEvent:emphasize: to: self;
on: #mouseLeave send: #handleEvent:deemphasize: to: self;
on: #mouseDown send: #handleEvent:inspect: to: self.

+ eventPane addMorphBack: eventMorph.!
- self addMorphBack: eventMorph.!

Item was changed:
----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>logEventRepetition: (in category 'event handling') -----
logEventRepetition: evt

| label lastEvents box |
+ (self eventMorphs last hasProperty: #repetition)
+ ifTrue: [box := self eventMorphs last. label := box submorphs first]
- (self submorphs last hasProperty: #repetition)
- ifTrue: [box := self submorphs last. label := box submorphs first]
ifFalse: [
box := Morph new
setProperty: #repetition toValue: true;
color: Color transparent;
layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
label := '' asText asMorph lock.
box addMorph: label.
box setProperty: #event toValue: (OrderedCollection with: self lastEvent).
+ eventPane addMorphBack: box].
- self addMorphBack: box].

lastEvents := box valueOfProperty: #event.
lastEvents add: evt copy.
box setProperty: #event toValue: lastEvents.

label newContents: (('x ', (lastEvents size)) asText
addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: Preferences standardButtonFont);
box balloonText: ('{1}{2}' format: {
lastEvents size > 10 ifTrue: ['... {1} older events and:\' translated withCRs format: {lastEvents size - 10}] ifFalse: [''].
(lastEvents last: (10 min: lastEvents size)) joinSeparatedBy: String cr.

on: #mouseEnter send: #handleEvent:emphasize: to: self;
on: #mouseLeave send: #handleEvent:deemphasize: to: self;
on: #mouseDown send: #handleEvent:inspect: to: self.!

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