[squeak-dev] The Trunk: System-tpr.1380.mcz

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Mon Jan 16 02:13:43 UTC 2023

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-tpr.1380
Author: tpr
Time: 15 January 2023, 6:13:37.471295 pm
UUID: ceb13618-6bb5-49a8-914b-79b137f21d96
Ancestors: System-mt.1379

Remove some variable shadowing

=============== Diff against System-mt.1379 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CommunityTheme class>>createDark (in category 'instance creation') -----
  	"self createDark apply."
+ 	| themeName |
+ 	themeName := 'Community (dark)'.
+ 	^ (self named: themeName) in: [:theme |
- 	| name |
- 	name := 'Community (dark)'.
- 	^ (self named: name) in: [:theme |
  		theme merge: (self named: 'Squeak') overwrite: true.
+ 		theme name: themeName.
- 		theme name: name.
  		"General morph stuff."
  			set: #borderColor for: #ScrollPane to: (Color transparent) ;
  			set: #keyboardFocusColor for: #Morph to: (self dbSelection adjustSaturation: -0.3 brightness: 0.10);
  			set: #keyboardFocusWidth for: #Morph to: 1;
  			set: #softShadowColor for: #Morph to: (self dbSelection muchLighter alpha: 0.025);
  			set: #softShadowOffset for: #Morph to: (10 at 8 corner: 10 at 12);
  			set: #hardShadowColor for: #Morph to: (self dbSelection muchLighter alpha: 0.02);
  			set: #hardShadowOffset for: #Morph to: 1 at 1.
  			addDarkFonts: theme;
  			addDarkWindowColors: theme;
  			addDarkSyntaxHighlighting: theme;
  			addDarkScrollables: theme;
  			addDarkButtons: theme;
  			addDarkDialogs: theme;
  			addDarkMenusAndDockingBars: theme;
  			addDarkToolColors: theme.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SoundService class>>defaultOrNil (in category 'accessing') -----
  	"This app registry returns instances instead of classes."
+ 	^ super defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [:def | def new]!
- 	^ super defaultOrNil ifNotNil: [:default | default new]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SpaceTally>>spaceForInstance:depth:seen: (in category 'instance size') -----
  spaceForInstance: anObject depth: anInteger seen: seenObjectsOrNil
+ 	| ctxt class basicSize currentDepth total |
- 	| ctxt class basicSize depth total |
  	seenObjectsOrNil ifNotNil: [
  		(seenObjectsOrNil ifAbsentAdd: anObject) ifFalse: [^ 0]].
  	ctxt := thisContext.
  	class := ctxt objectClass: anObject.
  	basicSize := 0.
  	total := class isVariable
  		ifTrue: [class byteSizeOfInstanceOfSize: (basicSize := ctxt objectSize: anObject)]
  		ifFalse: [class isImmediateClass ifTrue: [0] ifFalse: [class byteSizeOfInstance]].
+ 	(currentDepth := anInteger - 1) >= 0 ifTrue: [
- 	(depth := anInteger - 1) >= 0 ifTrue: [
  		anObject isCompiledCode
  			ifTrue: [
  				anObject literalsDo: [:literal |
+ 					total := total + (self spaceForInstance: literal depth: currentDepth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]]
- 					total := total + (self spaceForInstance: literal depth: depth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]]
  			ifFalse: [
  				(class instSpec between: 2 and: 4) ifTrue: [ "only indexable objects, no bytes etc."
  					1 to: basicSize do: [:index |
+ 						total := total + (self spaceForInstance: (ctxt object: anObject basicAt: index) depth: currentDepth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]].
- 						total := total + (self spaceForInstance: (ctxt object: anObject basicAt: index) depth: depth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]].
  				1 to: class instSize do: [:index |
+ 					total := total + (self spaceForInstance: (ctxt object: anObject instVarAt: index) depth: currentDepth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]]].
- 					total := total + (self spaceForInstance: (ctxt object: anObject instVarAt: index) depth: depth seen: seenObjectsOrNil)]]].
  	^ total!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakTheme class>>createDuller (in category 'instance creation') -----
  	"self createDuller apply"
+ 	| themeName |
+ 	themeName := 'Squeak (duller)'.
+ 	^ (self named:themeName) in: [:theme |
- 	| name |
- 	name := 'Squeak (duller)'.
- 	^ (self named:name) in: [:theme |
  		theme merge: (self named: 'Squeak') overwrite: true.
+ 		theme name: themeName.
- 		theme name: name.
  			addDullerWindowColors: theme;
  			addDullerScrollables: theme;
  			addDullerDialogs: theme;
  			addDullerMenusAndDockingBars: theme;
  			addDullerButtons: theme;
  			addDullerToolColors: theme.
  		theme set: #color for: #TextAction to: Color ocean.

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