[Squeak-fr] Quelqu'un pour lire mon code ?

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at laposte.net
Mar 7 Sep 12:56:43 CEST 2004


je viens juste d'écrire une petite classe pour jouer aux dès. Est-ce que 
vous pourriez regarder mon code et me dire ce que vous en pensez ? 
Toutes les critiques sont acceptées, car je souhaite écrire du beau code 
smalltalk. :-) Dites moi tout ce que vous pensez de ces deux classes.

Merci beaucoup

-------------- section suivante --------------
Object subclass: #Dice
	instanceVariableNames: 'value minValue maxValue selected'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Games-Yatzee'!
!Dice commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A class to make games with dice.
Default dice is a 6 faced dice (1 to 6).
Use the "run" method to throw the dice.
You can select or unselect the dice (in the game, it means the player takes the dice in his hands or not)!

!Dice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 07:23'!
	^ maxValue! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 07:20'!
^minValue! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:17'!
minValue: aValue maxValue: aHigherValue 
	(aValue < aHigherValue) ifTrue: [minValue:=aValue. maxValue := aHigherValue]
	ifFalse: [self error: 'aHigherValue is an integer higher than aValue'].! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 08:17'!
myValue: aValue 
	(aValue between: minValue and: maxValue) ifTrue:	[value:= aValue] ifFalse: [self halt]! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 07:01'!
^ value! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'selection' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:37'!
	^selected! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'selection' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:37'!
	selected := true! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'selection' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:36'!
selected := false! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'modification' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 08:14'!
	"Choose a random number between minValue and maxValue, store it and 
	return it"
	self myValue: (self minValue to: self maxValue) atRandom.
	^ self value! !

!Dice methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:36'!
	self minValue: 1 maxValue: 6;
		unselect.! !

TestCase subclass: #DiceTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'sixthDice1 sixthDice2 twelvethDice'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Games-Yatzee'!
!DiceTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
Test class to class Dice!

!DiceTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 07:40'!
	sixthDice1 := Dice new.
	sixthDice2 := Dice new.
	twelvethDice := Dice new.
	twelvethDice minValue: 1 maxValue:12.! !

!DiceTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 08:18'!
	"Throw 100 times a dice and test if the value is between minValue and maxValue"
	100 timesRepeat: [self assert: ((twelvethDice run) between: 1 and: 12)]! !

!DiceTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 08:03'!
	"Try to run maxTimes throw of two dices. If the two dices are always  
	equal, it's a problem"
	| maxTimes curTime finished |
	maxTimes := 100.
	curTime := 1.
	finished := false.
	[finished not
		and: [curTime < maxTimes]]
		whileTrue: [curTime := curTime + 1.
			sixthDice1 run ~= sixthDice2 run
				ifTrue: [finished := true]].
	self assert: finished! !

!DiceTest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'dc 9/7/2004 12:42'!
	self deny: sixthDice1 isSelected.
	sixthDice1 select.
	self assert: sixthDice1 isSelected.
	sixthDice1 unselect.
	self deny: sixthDice1 isSelected.! !

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