[Squeak-fr] A propos des traits

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Dim 13 Mar 11:03:58 CET 2005

The DrDobbs Journal Excellence in Programming award this year was 
awarded to Guy Steele from Sun.

In the interview with him about their new language Fortress, (DDJ April 
2005, page 20), I read:
... There's a difference between a new programming language and some 
that creates a major paradigm shift. Fortress [their new language] has 
a new
object-oriented type structure, multiple inheritance, and the traits 
idea [S.
Ducasse, N. Schaerli, O. Nierstrasz, R. Wuyts, and A. Black, "Traits: A
Mechanism for Fine-Grained Reuse" ...] Traits are a way of getting 
code reuse in object-oriented programming. Imagine Java interfaces but 
can put code in them: not field declarations, just code.

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