[FIX] CleanupUpdateServers-dew ( [cd] [approved] )

Doug Way dway at mailcan.com
Thu Dec 11 17:38:49 CET 2003

A self-approval, since I'm mostly the only person in charge of keeping 
track of the update servers.

dway at riskmetrics.com wrote:

>from preamble:
>"Change Set:		CleanupUpdateServers-dew
>Date:			9 December 2003
>Author:			Doug Way
>Remove uiuc update server (from Utilities class>>updateUrlLists) which
>has been defunct for a long time.  Also clean up various other
>ServerDirectory update servers."
>| publicUpdateServers sqcInternetOne |
>publicUpdateServers _ Utilities updateUrlLists detect: [:ea | ea first =
>'Squeak Public Updates'].
>publicUpdateServers at: 2 put:
>"Add Internal (testing) SqF updates server"
>sqcInternetOne _ (ServerDirectory serverNamed: 'squeakfoundation') copy.
>sqcInternetOne groupName: 'SqC Internal Updates*'.
>ServerDirectory addServer: sqcInternetOne named: 'UpdatesAtSqFInternal'.
>"Assign a better name to the SqF updates server"
>sqcInternetOne _ ServerDirectory serverNamed: 'squeakfoundation'.
>ServerDirectory addServer: (ServerDirectory serverNamed:
>'squeakfoundation') named: 'UpdatesAtSqF'.
>ServerDirectory removeServerNamed: 'squeakfoundation' ifAbsent: [].
>"Remove obsolete update servers"
>ServerDirectory removeServerNamed: 'UpdatesExtUIUC' ifAbsent: [].
>ServerDirectory removeServerNamed: 'UpdatesExtUIUC2' ifAbsent: [].
>ServerDirectory removeServerNamed: 'UpdatesAtSqueak.org' ifAbsent: [].

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