[ENH] NewProgressBar ( v7 replaces prior versions. This is the same version as 1.2 from SqueakMap )

Alexander Lazarević Alexander at Lazarevic.de
Wed Aug 18 18:58:50 CEST 2004

Hash: SHA1
Hi Marcus!

When it became apparent that the NewProgressBar would not make it into
3.7 I created a SqueakMap entry for it so that it could be easily
accessed via the SMPackageLoader and not just by using the BFAV. I
made some minor modifications and did a couple of bug fixes which is
refelected in further versions on SM. I did not post this new versions
to the BFAV. Recently somebody emailed me about a bug that is still in
the BFAV version, but not in the SM version. So instead of  posting
every new version to SM *and* BFAV I wrote a note to this thread, that
the most recent version would be on SM. My thinking was, that a
reviewer could download the most recent version with the
SMPackageLoader and make a note in his review what version he tested
and so on. It was not my intention to add more confusion, but to spare
(me) some cycles. Find attached the lastest version from SM.

~    Alex

denker at iam.unibe.ch schrieb:

| moved to somewhere... waht does this mean? I think the
| NewProgressBar should be added to 3.8a, so the simplest thing would
| be to not move it out of BFAV...

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-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7gamma of ''17 July 2004'' [latest update: #5978] on 29 July 2004 at 10:31:02 am'!
"Change Set:		NewProgressBar
Date:			19 May 2004
Author:			Alexander at Lazarevic.de

A different progress bar will be displayed for MVC and Morphic. This also ensures that a progress bar gets removed. In Morphic progress bars get stacked, the most recent one is at the bottom.

This changeset makes the DefaultProgressBar changeset obsolete.

Thanks Karl, Dan and Yoshiki for advice on how to make things faster or look better"!

RectangleMorph subclass: #SystemProgressBarMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'barSize'
	classVariableNames: 'BarHeight BarWidth FillColor'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Morphic-Widgets'!

!SystemProgressBarMorph commentStamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 11:47' prior: 0!
Instances of this morph get used by SystemProgressMoprh to quickly display a progress bar.!

RectangleMorph subclass: #SystemProgressMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'activeSlots bars labels font lock'
	classVariableNames: 'BarHeight BarWidth UniqueInstance'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Morphic-Widgets'!

!SystemProgressMorph commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
An single instance of this morph class is used to display progress while the system is busy, eg. while it receives code updates or does a fileIn. To give the user progress information you don't deal directly with SystemProgressMorph. You keep on using the well established way of progress notification, that has been a long time in the system, is widely used and does not depend on the existence of SystemProgressMorph. For more information on this look at the example in this class or look at the comment of the method displayProgressAt:from:to:during: in class String.

SystemProgressMorph is not meant to be used as a component inside other morphs.

You can switch back to the old style of progress display by disabling the morphicProgressStyle setting in the morphic section of the preferences.!
]style[(461 8 51 33 233 11 1)f2,f2LSystemProgressMorph class example;,f2,f2LString displayProgressAt:from:to:during:;,f2,f2dPreferences openFactoredPanel;;,f2!

!MVCMenuMorph methodsFor: 'initializing' stamp: 'laza 4/20/2004 10:41'!
	super initialize.
	self setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: self morphicLayerNumber
! !

!MVCMenuMorph methodsFor: 'WiW support' stamp: 'laza 4/20/2004 10:38'!
	^self valueOfProperty: #morphicLayerNumber ifAbsent: [10].
! !

!ProgressInitiationException methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'laza 4/6/2004 10:01'!
	(Smalltalk isMorphic and: [Preferences valueOfFlag: #morphicProgressStyle])
		ifTrue: [self defaultMorphicAction]
		ifFalse: [self defaultMVCAction].
! !

!ProgressInitiationException methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'laza 4/1/2004 12:47'!

	| delta savedArea captionText textFrame barFrame outerFrame result range lastW w |
	barFrame _ aPoint - (75 at 10) corner: aPoint + (75 at 10).
	captionText _ DisplayText text: progressTitle asText allBold.
		foregroundColor: Color black
		backgroundColor: Color white.
	textFrame _ captionText boundingBox insetBy: -4.
	textFrame _ textFrame align: textFrame bottomCenter
					with: barFrame topCenter + (0 at 2).
	outerFrame _ barFrame merge: textFrame.
	delta _ outerFrame amountToTranslateWithin: Display boundingBox.
	barFrame _ barFrame translateBy: delta.
	textFrame _ textFrame translateBy: delta.
	outerFrame _ outerFrame translateBy: delta.
	savedArea _ Form fromDisplay: outerFrame.
	Display fillBlack: barFrame; fillWhite: (barFrame insetBy: 2).
	Display fillBlack: textFrame; fillWhite: (textFrame insetBy: 2).
	captionText displayOn: Display at: textFrame topLeft + (4 at 4).
	range _ maxVal = minVal ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [maxVal - minVal].  "Avoid div by 0"
	lastW _ 0.
	[result _ workBlock value:  "Supply the bar-update block for evaluation in the work block"
		[:barVal |
		w _ ((barFrame width-4) asFloat * ((barVal-minVal) asFloat / range min: 1.0)) asInteger.
		w ~= lastW ifTrue: [
			Display fillGray: (barFrame topLeft + (2 at 2) extent: w at 16).
			lastW _ w]]]
		ensure: [savedArea displayOn: Display at: outerFrame topLeft].
	self resume: result! !

!ProgressInitiationException methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:52'!
	| result progress |
	progress _ SystemProgressMorph label: progressTitle min: minVal max: maxVal.
	[result _ workBlock value: progress] ensure: [SystemProgressMorph close: progress].
	self resume: result! !

!ProgressInitiationException class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/7/2004 14:44'!
	Preferences addPreference: #morphicProgressStyle categories: #(#morphic #performance) default: true balloonHelp: 'This switches between morphic and plain style for progress display'! !

!SystemProgressBarMorph methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'laza 4/7/2004 13:00'!
drawOn: aCanvas
	| area |
	super drawOn: aCanvas.
	barSize > 0 ifTrue: [
		area _ self innerBounds.
		area _ area origin extent: barSize-2 at area extent y.
		aCanvas fillRectangle: area color: Color gray]
! !

!SystemProgressBarMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/7/2004 05:20'!
	super initialize.
	self	borderWidth: 1; color: Color white.
	barSize _ 0.! !

!SystemProgressBarMorph methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:37'!
barSize: anInteger
	barSize _ anInteger.
	self changed.! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 7/29/2004 10:26'!
close: aBlock
	| slot |
	slot _ aBlock value: SmallInteger maxVal. "This should prevent a redraw"
	self freeSlot: slot
! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/20/2004 10:40'!
	super initialize.
	activeSlots _ 0.
	bars _ Array new: 10.
	labels _ Array new: 10.
	font _ Preferences windowTitleFont.
	lock _ Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
	self setDefaultParameters;
		setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: self morphicLayerNumber;
		layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
		listDirection: #topToBottom;
		cellPositioning: #topCenter;
		cellInset: 5;
		listCentering: #center;
		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
		layoutInset:4 at 4.! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/18/2004 21:31'!
	"progress morphs are behind menus and balloons, but in front of most other stuff"
	^self valueOfProperty: #morphicLayerNumber ifAbsent: [12].
! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/7/2004 13:08'!
	"change the receiver's appareance parameters"
	| colorFromMenu worldColor menuColor menuBorderColor |
	colorFromMenu := Preferences menuColorFromWorld
				and: [Display depth > 4]
				and: [(worldColor := self currentWorld color) isColor].
	menuColor := colorFromMenu
				ifTrue: [worldColor luminance > 0.7
						ifTrue: [worldColor mixed: 0.85 with: Color black]
						ifFalse: [worldColor mixed: 0.4 with: Color white]]
				ifFalse: [Preferences menuColor].
	menuBorderColor := Preferences menuAppearance3d
				ifTrue: [#raised]
				ifFalse: [colorFromMenu
						ifTrue: [worldColor muchDarker]
						ifFalse: [Preferences menuBorderColor]].
					Preferences roundedMenuCorners
		ifTrue: [self useRoundedCorners].
		setColor: menuColor
		borderWidth: Preferences menuBorderWidth
		borderColor: menuBorderColor.
		updateColor: self
		color: self color
		intensity: 1.! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/7/2004 13:07'!
updateColor: aMorph color: aColor intensity: anInteger 
	"update the apareance of aMorph"
	| fill fromColor toColor |
	Preferences gradientMenu
		ifFalse: [^ self].
	fromColor := aColor.
	toColor := aColor.
		timesRepeat: [
			fromColor := fromColor lighter.
			toColor := toColor darker].
	fill := GradientFillStyle ramp: {0.0 -> fromColor. 1 -> toColor}.
	fill origin: aMorph topLeft.
	fill direction: aMorph width @ 0.
	fill radial: true.
	aMorph fillStyle: fill! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'laza 5/28/2004 06:03'!
freeSlot: number
	number > 0 ifTrue: [
		lock critical: [
			(bars at: number) delete.
			(labels at: number) delete.
			activeSlots _ activeSlots - 1.
			activeSlots = 0
				ifTrue: [self delete]
				ifFalse: [self align: self fullBounds center with: Display boundingBox center]]]! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'laza 7/29/2004 10:30'!
label: shortDescription min: minValue max: maxValue
	| slot range newBarSize barSize lastRefresh |
	((range _ maxValue - minValue) <= 0 or: [(slot _ self nextSlotFor: shortDescription) = 0])
		ifTrue: [^[:barVal| 0 ]].
	self openInWorld.
	self align: self fullBounds center with: Display boundingBox center.
	barSize _ -1. "Enforces a inital draw of the morph"
	lastRefresh _ 0.
	^[:barVal | 
		(barVal between: minValue and: maxValue) ifTrue: [
			newBarSize _ (barVal - minValue / range * BarWidth) truncated.
			newBarSize = barSize ifFalse: [
				barSize _ newBarSize.
				(bars at: slot) barSize: barSize.
				Time primMillisecondClock - lastRefresh > 25 ifTrue: [
					self currentWorld displayWorld.
					lastRefresh _ Time primMillisecondClock]]].
! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:23'!
nextSlotFor: shortDescription
	| bar slots label |
	lock critical: [
		slots _ bars size.
		activeSlots = slots ifTrue: [^0].
		activeSlots _ activeSlots + 1.
		1 to: slots do: [:index |
			bar _ (bars at: index).
			bar ifNil: [
				bar _ bars at: index put: (SystemProgressBarMorph new extent: BarWidth at BarHeight).
				label _ labels at: index put: (StringMorph contents: shortDescription font: font).
					addMorphBack: label;
					addMorphBack: bar.
			bar owner ifNil: [
				bar _ bars at: index.
				label _ labels at: index.
					addMorphBack: (label contents: shortDescription);
					addMorphBack: (bar barSize: 0).
		! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'dropping/grabbing' stamp: 'laza 4/20/2004 11:38'!
slideToTrash: evt
	"If the user needs to dismiss a progress morph by hand, start with a 
	fresh instance next time."
	self dismissViaHalo! !

!SystemProgressMorph methodsFor: 'submorphs-add/remove' stamp: 'laza 4/20/2004 12:01'!
	self class reset! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:51'!
close: aBlock
	UniqueInstance ifNotNil: [UniqueInstance close: aBlock]! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'laza 4/18/2004 21:16'!
label: shortDescription min: minValue max: maxValue
	UniqueInstance ifNil: [UniqueInstance _ super new].
	^UniqueInstance label: (shortDescription contractTo: 100) min: minValue asFloat max: maxValue asFloat! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'laza 4/6/2004 21:17'!
	^self shouldNotImplement! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:35'!
	"SystemProgressMorph reset"
	UniqueInstance ifNotNil: [UniqueInstance delete].
	UniqueInstance _ nil.! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'laza 4/10/2004 20:29'!
	"SystemProgressMorph initialize"
	BarHeight _ 16.
	BarWidth _ 200.
	self reset! !

!SystemProgressMorph class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'laza 4/9/2004 10:49'!
	"SystemProgressMorph example"
		displayProgressAt: Display center
		from: 0 to: 1000
		during: [:bar | 0 to: 1000 do: [:i | bar value: i. (Delay forMilliseconds: 2) wait]]
! !

SystemProgressMorph initialize!
ProgressInitiationException initialize!

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