[BUG][FIX] MemoryUsage-vmParamDep-huma ( [er][sm] Not a change to image )

tomkoenig at mindspring.com tomkoenig at mindspring.com
Sat Dec 11 17:07:10 CET 2004

"humasect", thanks for submitting this bug report and fix.  I'm closing
it because its a fix to a package and not to the image. I'm also
forwarding this message to the owner of the package Faried Nawaz,
requesting that he review it for possible inclusion with the next
release of Memory usage.  You might want to email him with a description
of the bug it fixes and/or a test he can use to demonstrate the
Faried, as you can see below, this is a one method change.
'From Squeak3.9alpha of ''27 October 2004'' [latest update: #6530] on 7
December 2004 at 2:13:25 am'!

!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'step' stamp: 'huma 12/4/2004 23:06'!
	| total used usedNow |
	total _ SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 3.
	used _ SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 2.
	usedNow _ used / total roundTo: 0.01.
	        usedNow _ used / total roundTo: 0.01.
        prevUsage = usedNow
                ifFalse: [super step.
                        prevUsage _ usedNow.
                        self done: prevUsage.
                        self subLabel: ((used / (1024 * 1024)) asFloat
roundTo: 0.1) asString , 'M / ' , ((total / (1024 * 1024)) asFloat
roundTo: 0.1) asString , 'M = ' , ((used / total roundTo: 0.001)
                                                * 100) asString , '%']
! !

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