[ENH] CharacterTimes-rsb ( [closed] )

Yoshiki Ohshima Yoshiki.Ohshima at acm.org
Wed Jun 23 23:51:31 CEST 2004


> For the record, in Python 3 * 'e' is the same as 'e' * 3. See the
> Python Tutorial section 3.1.2 http://docs.python.org/tut/node5.html

  A statement Prof Richard O'Keefe once made clear, and I
completely agree with, is that the semantics of 'multiplication' (and
addition) to be (to be similar enough to) the one you find in the
definition of a ring (ring in the algebraic system sense).

  'Adding' two strings with #+ and getting the concatenated string
seems very strange.  Also, getting a string consists of repetitive
character by multiplying a character and an integer (and an integer
and a character) seems very strange.

# I'd rather wants to remove the "3 + '4' -> 7" thingy, too...

-- Yoshiki

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