[ENH] HeaderFolding-klc ( [cd][er][sm] StringCollection>>ifNotEmpty: takes one argument )

frank at angband.za.org frank at angband.za.org
Sat Mar 6 01:01:49 CET 2004

Attached is a small test, showing
* a small header
* a header with 53 characters
* a header with 3 26-character tokens being folded.

The last test fails because #ifNotEmpty: takes a one-argument block.

When folding lines, you must terminate lines with a crlf pair, not just
a cr - or will something after the MailMessage transform that cr into a
crlf pair?

What happens if we have a really long line that can't be folded on
spaces (because, say, there aren't any)? I can't see what the RFC
actually says about that. It mumbles about "structured headers" and such
without giving too much detail. Or I'm not reading with my thinking cap

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