[ENH] HeaderFolding-klc ( v2 test added, minor change )

Frank Shearar frank at angband.za.org
Sat Mar 6 22:48:14 CET 2004

On Sat, 6 Mar 2004 18:34:26 +0000 (GMT), ken wrote
> Frank,
> First of all I want to thank you very much for your detailed analysis
> and most especially for the included test.

You're welcome. I rather like writing tests just for the sake of understanding 
the behaviour of new code.

> If you are actually seeing a problem there I 
> bet you have RB installed which rather rudely redefines ifNotEmpty: 
> if I remember correctly.

Ah, I do indeed have RB installed.

> This convention is relatively standard in Squeak where 
> internally cr is used and it is converted to crlf as needed just 
> before leaving the environs of Squeak.

Ah, that's what I'd thought.

> I've taken the liberty of including your test case within the new
> version of my enhancemnt I hope you don't mind.  I changed the test 
> to use String cr and it passes now.

That's what tests are for, after all!

> "What happens if we have a really long line that can't be folded on
> spaces (because, say, there aren't any)? I can't see what the RFC
> actually says about that."
> My reading is that header folding is completely optional.  The RFC
> really only talks about it in the context of displaying on narrow screen
> width terminals.  I've added this because other software in the chain
> between the user and the BFAV2 archive would fold headers and often 
> do so incorrectly and destructively.  This change is merely to 
> provide a pre-emptive folding in the hopes of reducing the occurance 
> of destructive folding.  As I admit in the preamble this is a simplistic
> change.  Folding anywhere other than a space is significantly more
> complex as it depends on where it is safe to make a break and dependent
> on the header, at least that is my understanding.  If this change
> results in no folding we are no worse of than we were before.

Hm, yes, not ideal, but then, I can't think of any way to reasonably fold a 
line without any spaces. Not in any general way, at least. I'd hoped I was 
just not reading properly and had missed something. Personally, I'd like it if 
folding just never took place, and clients would handle very long lines as a 
matter of course.

> Again, thank you for taking the time to look at this and for the test
> case,

No problem :)

> P.S. BFAV2 may not be working correctly, I've tried to attach the
> changeset a couple of times now and the boxes don't change.  It's not
> clear to me whether or not it is actually attached or not.  If there 
> is nothing attached I will send out another email to the server only 
> with the attachment.

Yes, I've noticed that problem too. I'm trying to track down the problem right 
now, in fact. I suddenly realised that being co-maintainer for a package means 
that I can't just post bug reports :)


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