[BUG][BFAV] BFAV can't parse changesets with non-ASCIIcharacters ( is this the culprit? what should it look like? )

tomkoenig at mindspring.com tomkoenig at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 26 02:09:07 CET 2005

attachmentFileNames: attachments forId: aNumberOrString
      | attachmentFileNames  attachmentsDirectory|
	attachmentsDirectory _ self attachmentsDirectoryForId: aNumberOrString.
	self emailsDir createDirectory: attachmentsDirectory localName.
	attachmentFileNames _ OrderedCollection new.
           do: [ :each | |  stream file | 
			(each isKindOf: MailMessage)
				ifTrue: [ stream := MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream with: each body
               				 stream converter: Latin1TextConverter new. 
						 stream reset. 
						 file _ attachmentsDirectory fileNamed: (attachmentsDirectory
localNameFor: each name).
						file converter: Latin1TextConverter new.
						file nextPutAll: stream contents. 
						file close.

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