[Squeakfoundation]About Squeak Foundation Clarification

Doug Way squeakfoundation@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 19:57:24 -0500

Dave Thomas wrote:
> ... So in order to bring closure
> on my effort I make the following offer. Good for 30 days, no refunds
> etc.  Iff I receive sufficient personal requests from a representative
> population of Squeak contributors, and offers of assistance I will
> consider this a mandate to incorporate non profit SqF, organize an
> interim board etc. ...

I'm not sure how many personal requests you're looking for, but you can
consider this as an additional request from me to incorporate a
non-profit SqF, etc. :-)

I've done some work to help organize the "Harvesters" fixes-review group
for Squeak (see http://swiki.squeakfoundation.org/squeakfoundation/45 ),
as a "Squeak Foundation" project, although the foundation doesn't really
exist yet as a formal entity.

I guess you could also consider this an offer of assistance, in the
sense that I would be happy to continue this work under a more formal
Squeak Foundation.

- Doug Way